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IslandWolf 05-03-2016 04:43 PM

Solved it...sorta kinda
I had to comment out 3 lines near the end of the KeePass.Slackbuild file, but the build completed successfully, as did the installpkg process.

Whoever knows what they're doign might want to look at the Slackbuild script to find out why it's looking for '$CWD/files', a directory that is never created.

Anyway, we're good to go. I built a launcher on the fly and all is well here in wannabe-geek-on-the-loose land. Again, thanks for the input.

mralk3 05-03-2016 04:58 PM

In the future if you plan to run and install your SlackBuilds manually, this may help:


bash -x ./name.SlackBuild
It will tell you how the SlackBuild is failing and show what it is doing when it is failing. Another useful command that will log everything in your terminal for later viewing is the "script" command. Both additions will help you troubleshoot more effectively.

Regarding failing SlackBuild scripts, you can report them here:

TracyTiger 05-03-2016 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by mralk3 (Post 5540159)
Another useful command that will log everything in your terminal for later viewing is the "script" command.

I didn't know about the script command. I usually just redirected stdin/stdout/stderr.

Thanks for teaching me something today.

mralk3 05-03-2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by TracyTiger (Post 5540186)

I didn't know about the script command. I usually just redirected stdin/stdout/stderr.

Thanks for teaching me something today.

You're welcome! Glad to be of some help! :)

bassmadrigal 05-03-2016 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by IslandWolf (Post 5540148)
After reverting back to the stable release, I was able to get KeePass 2.30 installed with no problems. So I went back to -current.

I've spent the past days learning how to use Slackbuild from Ponce's pages, and things have gone well. I have done a clean -current install of Slackware64 and have multilib support up and running. The proprietary nVidia drivers are working; I am using OpenBox in KDE. Things are peachy keen.

However, when I run ./KeePass.Slackbuild, it errors out with this:
cp: cannot stat '/home/richard/Downloads/tmp/files/KeePass.desktop' : No such file or directory

Directly before that, the script had been busily extracting source files and had just started inflating TrlUtil.csproj. Then the process crapped out with the above error message.

Should I unzip the source myself to see if it even HAS a files subdirectory within it?

This shtuff is fun.

That file isn't part of the source. It should've been included within the "files" folder that is included with the source. The $CWD variable is used to pull files that the packager wanted included in the source, just like this .desktop file. If you download the file and place it in a folder called "files" in the same directory that contains the KeePass.SlackBuild and then run it, it will work properly.

If you clone the whole git repo, you can just cd into the correct directory and then run the SlackBuild. It will have all the required files.


git clone
cd slackbuilds/misc/KeePass
sh KeePass.SlackBuild
installpkg /tmp/KeePass*.tgz

IslandWolf 05-04-2016 03:22 PM

And now for some closure: comic relief
Well, I'm shaking my head, y'all.

Back in the early 80's I had an old VW Super Beetle, for which I bought a repair manual entitled, "How to Keep Your VW Alive - Step By Step Instructions For the Complete Idiot". In its opening pages was this sage advice: "Look at what you are seeing."

After umpteen visits to Ponce's page for KeePass 2.30, I finally looked at what I was seeing. And guess what! Right there as the top line of the SlackBuild files was a folder called "files".

Okay, so I'm completing my 67th year today and I am evidently not as sharp as once I was. But still. I mean, come ON! It was right there.

I am really, REALLY happy that I've committed to Slackware as my distro.

kjhambrick 05-04-2016 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by IslandWolf (Post 5540607)
Well, I'm shaking my head, y'all.

Back in the early 80's I had an old VW Super Beetle, for which I bought a repair manual entitled, "How to Keep Your VW Alive - Step By Step Instructions For the Complete Idiot". In its opening pages was this sage advice: "Look at what you are seeing."

Loved that book, IslandWolf.

It helped me keep my VW alive back in the mid-70s.

-- kjh

bassmadrigal 05-04-2016 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by IslandWolf (Post 5540607)
After umpteen visits to Ponce's page for KeePass 2.30, I finally looked at what I was seeing. And guess what! Right there as the top line of the SlackBuild files was a folder called "files".

It happens to all of us. That's why when using git for SBo, I'll just clone the whole repo so I ensure I have everything I need. It might take a little bit longer, but then you don't have to save a bunch of individual files separately and hope you don't miss anything.

And Happy Birthday! Just remember, birthdays are like farts. They're going to happen, so you might as well sit back and enjoy them :)

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