Thanks for the reply, m8...
And my apologies for non-sufficient information... :\
Originally posted by Excalibur
I would suggest as the quickest way would probably be to configure for frame buffer mode if you are running a stock kernel. Set vga=791 in the /etc/lilo.conf file and run "lilo" from a console prompt and reboot. There is a default frame buffer config file in /etc/X11. Copy the XF86Conifg-fb to XF86Config and then startx. You might need to adjust manually for the mouse pointer or something if you require the use of the wheel, etc.
Should have mentioned that bit, I guess. Framebuffer is set-up
and working ... XF86Config-fb has been copied. And the bloody thing
still dies.
I am certain I have seen posts here in regard to the nVidia drivers. I think they are offered directly from the web site, Download the tar files, compile and install.
Tried that, too... same effect.
Compiled a custom-kernel too. With only the most essential
stuff - with either VESA-VGA or nVidia support.
Ta ...
What really gets me is that the framebuffer in Slack 8.0
worked :(