shared libraries question
I have a driver/application for a samsung scx4100 printer that needs libqt-mt.3.0.4. I just upgraded to slack 10.2 which uses libqt-mt.3.3.4. The samsung driver/application is linked to 3.0.4 and installs in an odd directory as ldd shows:
root@bairco:/usr/lib# ldd /usr/local/bin/samsung/Configurator | grep libqt => /usr/lib/ (0xb761d000)
a kde application example is:
root@bairco:/usr/lib# ldd /opt/kde/bin/kmail | grep libqt => /usr/lib/./ (0xb5f1b000)
I can manually set the links where both KDE and the samsung software work in my rc.local:
# **** scx4100 setup begin *****
# This should not be needed...
rm /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/local/bin/samsung/ /usr/lib/
rm /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/qt/lib/ /usr/lib/
# **** scx4100 setup end *****
and do so because ldconfig continually modifies this setup on reboots and package installs. So this is a poor solution. I guess I don't know how to force minor sonames differences to resolve to the correct library but I do know that the samsung software does not run with the newer version of libqt-mt (3.3.4) minor or major numbers aside! It seems that this would be a failry common situation; viz., having some software that needs a different version of the library but the major numbers of the libraries are the same!