I wasn't sure whether to post this in slackware or servers, but this is a personal project so I figured this would be better.
A forward note: I haven't been able to send mail outside the LAN yet because apparently my DNS is taking a really long time to update. All things mentioned in this post are on the local machine unless otherwise stated.
Slackware 12.2
Ok, now on to the interesting part. When I send mail from one user to another, (using the mail program... proof-of-concept type stuff) I send it to
user@domain.net. When it is received, the
from field lists "sender@hostname.domain.net.domain.net". I'm sure I have something configured wrong somewhere, but I have no idea where.
It works, but it's... weird. Anyone have any inkling what's going on?
If you want to see any config files, just ask.
EDIT: on second thought, might it be a DNS configuration error as well, even though it's entirely on the local machine?