I want my KDE to run next X-session for me (from K-menu, switch user applet). Is there some config file for this or it runs on some patches? Isn't it KDE feature?
I use KDE exclusively and yes, KDE provides a convenient way to toggle between users and additional X sessions when starting from runlevel 4.
Depending upon the version of KDE you are running you should see a K-Menu option to switch sessions. For KDE 3.4.x you'll see the option of
Switch User and a sub-menu from that option. For prior versions the menu will read
Start New Session (IIRC). In either case the menu option will be toward the bottom of the K-Menu.
Know that if you start KDE from runlevel 3 using the
startx script that KDE then will not provide any switching option in the K-Menu. You get to see that option only when starting KDE from runlevel 4. This difference is confusing to new users until they realize that starting another X session in runlevel 3 means toggling to another console and running
startx again.
Xnest has nothing to do with KDE switching X sessions.
If you are indeed booting from runlevel 4, then you should see the KDM login manager that requires you to log in (unless you have auto-login already configured.) If you get that far, then the next step is to check the bottom of the KDE menu as described in the previous paragraph.
From your description of using Slackware-current you probably are using KDE 3.4.2.
I'm unsure why this option fails to appear automatically for you. In previous versions users often had to edit the
/opt/kde/share/config/kdm/XServers file, but in 3.4 that file no longer is used and switching should be automatically configured in the KDM login manager. In 3.4.x, see if you have a
/opt/kde/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file. That is the config file that controls the KDM login manager. Verify that the file contains a
ReserveServers option and
at least one X virtual terminal reservation:
ReserveServers=:1,:2,:3 <--This reserves additional X sessions.
StaticServers=:0 <--This is your primary X session.
Another wild guess is that your K-Menu is goofy. Open Konqueror and in your
home directory, rename the
~/.config directory to
.config-old or something like that and restart KDE (log out and log in).
Another wild guess, check in the Control Center (
KDE Components->Session Manager) and verify that you are configured to log in with an empty session.
And I know - it's not a pure slackware spirit.
Who gives a rat's a--. Configure
your box the way
you want and don't worry about the priesthood.