Originally Posted by Alien Bob
I would not be against having CDE as another desktop option in Slackware, if it is not going to add a lot of MB to the disk sets.
It is certainly a very good option for lower-spec hardware and it is a versatile and expandable desktop environment. Superior to alternatives like fluxbox, twm or fvwm.
Superior? In adding MB to the disk sets?
Just one example between a hundred of what you can do with fvwm or fluxbox. Adding this to fvwm config:
Key j A M Move keep w+2
Key k A M Move keep w-2
Key l A M Move w+2 keep
Key h A M Move w-2 keep
Key j A SM Resize keep w+2
Key k A SM Resize keep w-2
Key l A SM Resize w+2 keep
Key h A SM Resize w-2 keep
Or this to fluxbox keys:
Mod1 l :MoveRight 60
Mod1 h :MoveLeft 60
Mod1 j :MoveDown 40
Mod1 k :MoveUp 40
Shift Mod1 l :ResizeHorizontal 15
Shift Mod1 h :ResizeHorizontal -15
Shift Mod1 j :ResizeVertical 5
Shift Mod1 k :ResizeVertical -5
You can quickly move your windows just holding Alt and using vi keys
(Alt+Shift to resize). Try to do something like that on KDE.
But it is Patrick Volkerding's decision.
What's the point of repeating that?
I would not use it myself though, even if it were part of Slackware - I prefer XFCE on low-spec hardware. This is purely a matter of personal choice.
You are admitting yourself that adding MB to disk is not advisable (that's just one of the cons, you should sum the maintaining work you add) and at the same time you state like only argument "This is purely a matter of personal choice". Doesn't the "weight" of Slackware users choices affect Patrick work?
If Xfce is for "low-spec hardware" then, following your reasoning, is the premise at time to choose desktop environment to fill some percentage of disk?
Now my reasons
I don't care about what toy uses by desktop who already mastered Unix bases (that obviously includes you). I care about new users; to find a way to *at least* let them know that that Unix base exists and why is important to preserve it. Obviously, entertaining them with toy desktops is not the way.
One day you will open your konsole and this is what you will find:
You will still be thinking that it's all Red Hat fault, and that I'm a troll that come here to rant because I don't accept others taste and preferences.
Steve Austin