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Old 02-26-2014, 08:46 AM   #16
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Hell, Arizona (July - 118 degrees)
Distribution: Slackware 14.2 soon to be Slackware 15
Posts: 700

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Originally Posted by michaelslack View Post
I have only ever used samba to facilitate sharing between qemu guests and hosts -- so I know next to nothing about samba. However there is a fair amount of slightly old information about setting this up and I have just copied their host samba configs and it has worked just fine...until slackware 14.1 (more precisely the new samba 4.x in it).

I came across this debian patch which points out quite clearly what the problem is, and this may interest people who find this thread through a search:

Knowing very little about samba I can't quickly see if this is basically the same as what was dicussed in the thread referred to by willys above. If it contains nothing new, apologies, I just thought it might be of interest.

I do indeed have security = share in my configs - it's been there for years. And it broke with the latest Samba. I'll have to look into this patch and see if it can work for me. I'm using sshfs since yesterday which so far works good, but I get about 2-3 times the performance with Samba.


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