Ripping .wav with KAudioCreator
I want to rip some .mp3 into .wav and then burn them with K3B.
I have KAudioCreator installed by default, and I've googled around but I don't see any directions on how to convert .mp3 to .wav.
Is there anyway to do this?
Also, I don't think you can rip to .flac and then burn to an audio cd, correct?
EDIT: Errr.does K3B do the convert on the fly? I think it can and I'm burning a disk right now, but there isn't any documentation on the web nor K3B
EDIT2: Yes, K3B can convert on the fly while burning an audio CD...Very nice!
Last edited by JockVSJock; 03-25-2006 at 01:26 PM.