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edM 05-07-2006 05:25 PM

reverting back to xorg 6.8 (10.2 xorg)
hi i upgraded to -current using swaret about 2 weeks ago. but the lastest xorg release 7.9?[?] conflicts with the latest radeon driver (x1900); it crashes when changing VTs.

i dont have "Rollback" thing on swaret so i have to do it manually,

basically do i just remove all the packages named 7.9 (which relate to the packages below, and re-download the 7.8 ones?

j79zlr 05-07-2006 05:35 PM

Xorg has nothing to do with virtual terminals.

drumz 05-07-2006 05:56 PM

You can use upgradepkg, even though you're downgrading. You can also remove all packages, then install the old ones. Be sure to back xorg.conf and stuff like that, because I'm not sure if removepkg deletes those or not.


# upgradepkg x11-6.9.0-i486-4%x11-6.8.2-i486-4
and likewise for the rest of the packages. Some of the x11 packages for 10.2 are in patches, and some are in x/.

liquidtenmilion 05-07-2006 06:13 PM

You don't even have to do that.

upgradepkg is nothing but removepkg + installpkg. It doesn't pay any attention to version numbers at all. I could "upgrade" from kernel 2.6.16 to 1.2.0 if i wanted.

drumz 05-07-2006 07:21 PM

Actually that's not quite right. From the man page:

      upgradepkg upgrades a Slackware .tgz package from an older version to a
      newer one.  It does this by INSTALLING the new package onto the system,
      and then REMOVING any files from the old package that aren't in the new
      package.  If the old and new packages have  the  same  name,  a  single
      argument  is  all  that  is  required.  If the packages have different
      names, supply the name of the old package followed by a percent  symbol
      (%), then the name of the new package.  Do not add any extra whitespace
      between pairs of old/new package names.

      If upgradepkg finds more than one installed package  matching  the  old
      package's name, it will remove them all.

      To upgrade in a directory other than / (such as /mnt):

      ROOT=/mnt upgradepkg package.tgz

liquidtenmilion 05-07-2006 07:55 PM

Yeah i noticed that too.

But i just tested it. I renamed gtk-gnutella-0.96-i486-1asw to gtk-gnutella-0.12-i486-1asw and i was successfully able to upgradepkg on it.

My educated guess:

upgradepkg doesn't check version numbers, it just checks package names.

drumz 05-07-2006 08:02 PM

That's what I was thinking, too. Sounds reasonable.

edM 05-08-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by j79zlr
Xorg has nothing to do with virtual terminals.

sorry i meant flicking between actual command line terminals using 'F6' 'F1' etc.

ok thanks guys.

j79zlr 05-08-2006 10:56 PM

I just don't think that Xorg is the problem here, I think its the ATi driver. The latest ATi driver locks up when I log out of X to the console. 8.23.7 works fine, 8.24.8 freezes.

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