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Old 05-27-2003, 09:32 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Posts: 11

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Resoultion problems after setting up Nvidia drivers

I have slak 8 and a Geforce 4. i have installed the drivers and followed the instructions on editing the xf86config file. the problem is when i change my driver from vesa to nvidia my resolution in KDE is stuck at 800x600 even when i specify only 1600x1200. I can get the resolution to work if i put the driver back to vesa but then i cant play quake 3. I appologise if this has been asked before but i have been unable to find a solution. The only thing i can think of that MIGHT fix it would be to up the refresh rates for my monitor. But if anyone has any ideas please share

Old 05-27-2003, 11:16 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
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I've been mucking around in the XF86Config for a while and ive managed to get the resolution to set at 1024x768 (and 1280xwhatever but its not that good) ive managed to get it higher by changing the HORIZONTAL refresh rate. If I run xf86config program it shows a list of horizontal refresh rates but not one that is 1600x1200 (only up to 1280xwhatever). If anyone has any ideas to get it to 1600x1200 please tell.
Old 05-27-2003, 11:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Location: MA
Distribution: RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake, Slack
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 0 said you specified only 1600x1200 so X will report an error if it cannot run at that resolution. And as far as I know, the nVidia kernel module/driver will go that high ...
so try this:
from a console (init 3 if needed):
1. rm /var/log/X*
2. startx
3. exit X
now you have fresh XFree86 log files to look at inside /var/log/XFree86.0... whatever
Look for the lines beginning with (EE) which denotes an error. My guess is the horizontal/vertical refresh rates for the monitor do not permit 1600x1200 resolutions...
let me know...
Old 05-28-2003, 03:44 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Posts: 11

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Hay matire thanx for the post, all i had to do was enter in my exact monitor horizontal and vertical refresh rates and its working. now its time to go back and play quake 3


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