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-   -   Requests for -current (14.2-->15.0) (

Jeebizz 05-28-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Hendronicus (Post 5859751)
Has anyone mentioned P7zip? Maybe?

I second this, would be nice to have P7zip already included, and even configured with desktop context, because I am lazy and too dumb (mostly the latter :p) to get P7zip to work correctly and have context menus on my WMs.

gmgf 05-28-2018 12:49 PM



GazL 05-28-2018 03:02 PM

I just built emacs 26.1 here. Seems ok. I don't know about anyone else but I prefer it built against the lucid toolkit: it avoids some gtk warning messages and a longstanding bug with the emacs server when built against gtk.

BTW, there are some new configure options.

--with-gameuser=":games" is now required to keep using the current shared games scores files in /var/games/emacs. Without it games scores are per user and stored under ~/.emacs/games. If you choose not to add this option then you might as well remove /var/games/emacs/ entirely.

--disable-libsystemd without this the emacsclient/emacs --daemon server process connection tries to use systemd socket activation, it still appears to work, but throws out warnings. update: actually it looks like it still throws out the warnings even with this option, so perhaps it's just something that happens now when you run emacsclient -a "" and have the daemon process implicitly started. Apologies for the noise on this one.

--disable-build-details This is a new config option, it's not essential, but I added it here as I don't have any use for build details.

Other than those, my personal preference is for:

... but that's just me. :)

I have noticed that a few graphics aren't showing in its webbrowser mode though. I need to investigate whether that's down to my choices of toolkit and whether it was happening with 25.3. I'll report back. update: ok, the missing image is also happening with the stock 25.3 package from current, so that's not new to 26.1. update2: Mystery solved. The idiotic GNU webpage designer created a black image with transparent background... which is fine unless you're using a theme that has a black background. LOL. Nothing to see here, move along! ;)

ReaperX7 05-28-2018 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by arfon (Post 5859858)
Request Kernel 4.16 (so we can get the stupid Radeon Vegas to work).

If the maintainers are feeling generous, repackage (or make a slackbuild for) amdgpu-pro

Can't be done with amdgpu-pro. It repackages a lot of extras like proprietary builds of a lot of xorg packages, llvm, mesa rebuilds, libdrm... it's just a bloody f---ing mess. If you need the extra functionality, just grab libtxc_dxtn and driconf from SlackBuilds. Much less a headache to deal with.

gmgf 05-29-2018 01:08 AM


gmgf 05-29-2018 02:54 AM


orbea 05-29-2018 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by ReaperX7 (Post 5860598)
Can't be done with amdgpu-pro. It repackages a lot of extras like proprietary builds of a lot of xorg packages, llvm, mesa rebuilds, libdrm... it's just a bloody f---ing mess. If you need the extra functionality, just grab libtxc_dxtn and driconf from SlackBuilds. Much less a headache to deal with.

Just a heads up that with the mesa git master you no longer will need libtxc_dxtn. This might also apply to the mesa version in current?

ReaperX7 05-29-2018 04:10 PM

Did the embargo on s3tc and dxtc get lifted finally Orbea?

orbea 05-29-2018 08:22 PM


Alien Bob 05-30-2018 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by ponce (Post 5859511)
maybe you missed this git repository (courtesy of Adrien Nader) that seems perfect for the task you describe, I'll link it here again for your convenience

That was an itch I had to scratch. Adrien's repository was something I ran into by accident some years ago, perhaps it was ponce even then who told me. It looks like Adrien simply commits the whole of ./source directory to his git repository, using a .gitignore file to avoid the source tarballs getting committed as well.

But I thought that's too simple, and wrote a script to create a (more generally useful IMO) repository tracking the whole slackware64-current directory tree, additionally unzipping all the compressed files like the patches, scripts etc.
More readability in the cgit interface and better diffing.

See - there's only one commit (the initial one) but I scheduled the script in cron to update the repository on every public update of the ChangeLog.txt in slackware64-current.
Hope it's useful to someone :-)

gmgf 05-30-2018 02:05 AM


(CVE fix)



Didier Spaier 05-31-2018 12:04 AM

FVWM 2.6.8
Forwarding an email from Thomas Adam to the main mailing list:

Hi all,

Just a note to say that FVMM 2.6.8 has been released. Nothing special in this
release in terms of features.  This is mostly a bug-fix release.  See the
following for further details and to download the release tarball:



Markus Wiesner 05-31-2018 02:27 AM

After upgrading some machines to the latest slackware-current (from kernel 4.9.67 to 4.14.44) I get following warning in syslog after each reboot

mcelog: warning: 8 bytes ignored in each record
mcelog: consider an update
This disappeared after updating from mcelog-153 to mcelog-158:

gmgf 05-31-2018 09:06 AM

Another new imagemagick-6.9.9-49:

bassmadrigal 05-31-2018 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by arfon (Post 5859858)
If the maintainers are feeling generous, repackage (or make a slackbuild for) amdgpu-pro

The mesa driver, for the most part, works just as good, if not better, than amdgpu-pro with a lot less headache. But, AFAIK, the amdgpu-pro driver doesn't support Xorg 1.20, so you can't get a working amdgpu-pro driver on -current unless you downgrade Xorg. I do have SlackBuilds available for several different versions of the driver, but I don't think any will work on -current (but 17.10 and below should function on 14.2).


Originally Posted by ReaperX7 (Post 5860598)
Can't be done with amdgpu-pro. It repackages a lot of extras like proprietary builds of a lot of xorg packages, llvm, mesa rebuilds, libdrm... it's just a bloody f---ing mess. If you need the extra functionality, just grab libtxc_dxtn and driconf from SlackBuilds. Much less a headache to deal with.

How many times do I have to tell you this? amdgpu-pro *can* be repackaged into a Slackware package that doesn't affect the base packages (and uninstalls cleanly). I've done it with past versions, but I haven't kept it up to date for three reasons:

1. I don't have the hardware to check it.
2. There doesn't seem to be much of a demand for it (especially with the performance of the mesa driver).
3. amdgpu-pro 17.30 and newer require Xorg 1.19, which, at the time, was only available in -current (which I don't normally run), but current has now been upgraded to 1.20, so there isn't even a version that will work with -current.

aaazen 05-31-2018 02:06 PM

tput error message fixed using tty -s
When running ssh with upgradepkg I get an annoying error message from tput:

tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

Both installpkg and upgradepkg have the bug and both can be fixed by using "tty -s"

--- /sbin/installpkg.orig        2018-05-30 09:47:04.000000000 -0700
+++ /sbin/installpkg        2018-05-31 10:39:09.679793633 -0700
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
 # Set default line length for terse mode:
-if which tput 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+if tty -s && which tput 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
  TERSELENGTH=$(tput cols)


--- /sbin/upgradepkg.orig        2018-05-30 09:47:38.000000000 -0700
+++ /sbin/upgradepkg        2018-05-31 10:00:16.733897646 -0700
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 # Set default line length for terse mode:
-if which tput 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+if tty -s && which tput 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
  TERSELENGTH=$(tput cols)

There is an interesting discussion of the tput error message here:

The tty command is part of coreutils and should be safe to use.

Instead of using "tty -s" another way is to use "test -t 0" or "test -t 1".

USUARIONUEVO 05-31-2018 04:52 PM


USUARIONUEVO 05-31-2018 10:41 PM

Some xorg drivers updates




gmgf 06-01-2018 01:22 AM


olear 06-01-2018 01:22 AM

Please enable OpenMP in ImageMagick.

Many applications and scripts depends on ImageMagick, being capped at one thread is an major issue.

Pixxt 06-01-2018 07:19 PM

mesa 18.1.1

gmgf 06-01-2018 11:37 PM


gmgf 06-01-2018 11:47 PM


gmgf 06-02-2018 05:33 AM


nobodino 06-02-2018 06:36 AM


It will solve building gnutls-3.6.2 on regression test.

RadicalDreamer 06-03-2018 12:13 AM

Thank you for the recent changes in slackpkg :D

gmgf 06-03-2018 02:34 AM



Lockywolf 06-03-2018 06:37 AM

I have a small suggestion for the installer.

The hibernation mechanism in the -current kernel seems to be working flawlessly.

When the installer is formatting swap and adding it to the system, why not add a 'resume=/dev/$nameoftheswappartition' to elilo.conf?

This shouldn't hurt, and would make hibernation work automatically.

cwizardone 06-03-2018 11:24 AM

Midnight Commander-4.8.21

What's new,"

The tarball,

alex14641 06-03-2018 02:35 PM


+++ b/ChangeLog
+ver 5.50:
+ Fix issue with GATT and reading long values.
+ Fix issue with GATT and reading multiple includes.
+ Fix issue with GATT and service changes when offline.
+ Fix issue with handling secondary service discovery.
+ Fix issue with handling persistency of CCC values.
+ Fix issue with handling Mesh session on disconnection.
+ Fix issue with handling Mesh proxy PDU SAR message length.
+ Fix issue with handling Mesh default heartbeat TTL value.
+ Add support for Mesh node-reset operation handling.
+ Add support for GATT authorization request handling.
+ Add support for GATT minimum key size requirements.
+ Add support for GATT server and included services.
+ Add support for handling additional advertising data.
+ Add support for handling separate discoverable state.
+ Add support for enabling HFP version 1.7 features.
+ Add support for dedicated Bluetooth logging daemon.

Xsane 06-03-2018 03:38 PM

I finally got around to testing this:

Fri Oct 6 06:32:32 UTC 2017
d/perl-5.26.1-x86_64-1.txz: Upgraded.
Added the following perl modules to support git send-email (thanks to
Xsane): Authen-SASL-2.16, MIME-Base64-3.15, and Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04.

Sat Oct 7 02:53:31 UTC 2017
d/perl-5.26.1-x86_64-2.txz: Rebuilt.
Replaced Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04 (deprecated upstream) with libnet-3.10.
Thanks to Matteo Bernardini.
git send-email failed.

After installing these perl modules on '14.2+1528036609' git-send-email works:

I just used the SBo build scripts and installed the resulting packages.

To test from a git repo:
git send-email --smtp-debug=1 0001-foo.patch

Thank you for implementing this Pat!

ponce 06-03-2018 03:55 PM

yes, those are needed as dependencies of libnet: I forgot to check that all was ok after asking for libnet inclusion, sorry.

gmgf 06-04-2018 03:33 AM


ajevremovic 06-04-2018 02:29 PM


I ran 'slackpkg update' and 'slackpkg upgrade-all' (current) today, slackpkg was updated, so I ran those commands again, and ended up with this:

Looking for packages to upgrade. Please wait... awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2
awk: /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk:6: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -2

No packages match the pattern for upgrade. Try:

/usr/sbin/slackpkg install|reinstall
Any ideas what happened and what to do?

UPDATE: Sorry, I missed this post:

ajevremovic 06-04-2018 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by gmgf (Post 5860467)

This new version is very unstable on my current - it usually breaks after wakeup, and sometimes when changing network.

UPDATE: this is solved in Thu May 31 04:55:33 UTC 2018 update.

magicm 06-04-2018 06:35 PM

re-install of current (installer, gparted oddness)
Not sure if this is the right thread to use for this, but it's close...

I was occasionally testing slackware64-current (plus some of my "required" extras from SBo and Alien) on one of my laptops (Thinkpad T420) when I was initimidated by the massive Changelog of April 19 ... and so I let things slide for a while - (wasn't all that "current" even then as I was running a 4.14.17 kernel on that box). I ultimately decided I should get back to trying it out again.

Given how much I'd have to catch up, I decided the best way to proceed was to backup the installation so I could retrieve all of my usual customizations, etc.. and re-install from scratch and start anew. I used Alien's fine "" script on my 14.2 daily driver to create and burn an install dvd image from yesterday's (June 3, 2018) ChangeLog... things did not go as effortlessly as I expected, but I expect that by tomorrow or the day after, I'll be back to where I was. Here is a summary of unexpected behavior so far. Really, just 2 things.
Installer - because I wanted to make sure nothing was left of previous install, I made sure to ask it to format the partitions I was going to be using (just a swap and a single ext4 partition). I haven't made the leap to using UEFI yet, so I asked lilo to be installed to MBR (as it was before) - I also asked for a basic not an expert install, thinking I would boot to huge.s and convert to generic plus initrd in a separate step (haven't done that yet). I'm used to the installer finding my Windows OS partitions and creating a stanza for them - but it did not. Not an issue (as the previous lilo.conf is one of the things that I made sure to have a backup of), but I did expect it.
gparted - One of the customizations that I had done was to change to using UUIDs to identify all my partitions - so once I booted and got my network configured, I thought I'd use gparted to verify the UUIDs I had on file. but gparted did not run successfully; instead it produced a dialog pop-up with the following text [ "Libparted Bug - Assertion (metadata_length > 0 at dos.c:2305 in function add_logical_part_metadata() failed" ]. I used cfdisk to verify the UUIDs - and they all appeared ok), but I thought this should be reported, too.
Really looking forward to the next release. Thx

gmgf 06-05-2018 01:23 AM

bash-4.4 (023):


readline-7.0 (005):


lotar 06-05-2018 05:20 AM

OpenLDAP server (2.4.46)

I've added the full support of the OpenLDAP server in Slackware (this is the SlackBuilds: and I hope for the official inclusion in Slackware.

gmgf 06-05-2018 12:32 PM



USUARIONUEVO 06-05-2018 05:39 PM


announce note -->

gmgf 06-06-2018 11:39 AM

harfbuzz (1.7.7 or 1.8.0)

Xsane 06-06-2018 09:43 PM


Tue Jun 5 05:24:22 UTC 2018
d/perl-5.26.2-x86_64-4.txz: Rebuilt.
Added IO-Socket-SSL-2.056 and Net-SSLeay-1.85. Thanks to Xsane.
Thanks Pat,
'git send-email' with TLS authentication is working for me now.

cwizardone 06-07-2018 11:31 AM


Thunar has been ported to GTK+3.
(not sure if "ported" is the corrent term).

The announcement,

mickski56 06-07-2018 11:49 AM

Thunar 1.8 requires libxfce4ui 4.13 and or libxfce4util 4.13 so perhaps no ready for prime time yet.

USUARIONUEVO 06-07-2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by mickski56 (Post 5864752)
Thunar 1.8 requires libxfce4ui 4.13 and or libxfce4util 4.13 so perhaps no ready for prime time yet.



Xsane 06-07-2018 05:40 PM

[PATCH 1-5/5] pkgtools

Thom1b 06-08-2018 09:07 AM

gnupg-2.2.8 is released with security fixes.



All current GnuPG versions are affected on all platforms.

All mail clients and other applications which make use of GPG but are
not utilizing the GPGME library might be affected.

The OpenPGP protocol allows to include the file name of the original
input file into a signed or encrypted message. During decryption and
verification the GPG tool can display a notice with that file name. The
displayed file name is not sanitized and as such may include line feeds
or other control characters. This can be used inject terminal control
sequences into the out and, worse, to fake the so-called status
messages. These status messages are parsed by programs to get
information from gpg about the validity of a signature and an other
parameters. Status messages are created with the option "--status-fd N"
where N is a file descriptor. Now if N is 2 the status messages and the
regular diagnostic messages share the stderr output channel. By using a
made up file name in the message it is possible to fake status messages.
Using this technique it is for example possible to fake the verification
status of a signed mail.

Although GnuPG takes great care to sanitize all diagnostic and status
output, the case at hand was missed but finally found and reported by
Marcus Brinkmann. CVE-2018-12020 was assigned to this bug; GnuPG tracks
it at <https://dev/>.

shastah 06-08-2018 08:54 PM

1. Can we have things like crond and atd started from separate rc.$service scripts instead of being directly called in rc.M? They are services just like syslog, acpid or all the other things rc.M starts rc.<service> for.
2. Please make crond be called with something like $CROND_OPTS after sourcing /etc/default/crond, so those who want to log what is cron doing can use CROND_OPTS="-l info" instead of editing rc.M each time sysvinit-scripts is updated

PS. when creating rc.crond, please use "pkill --ns $$ ..." in stop() so that cron daemons in other namespaces (containers) are not getting hit. That's something I mentioned a while ago here but sadly it didn't get much traction: most of rc scripts suffer from this issue - worst case being rc.httpd, which is always overwritten by when upgrading httpd (why?)

Thanks in advance,

gmgf 06-09-2018 04:41 AM


gmgf 06-09-2018 04:53 AM


All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:21 PM.