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Old 04-01-2010, 05:15 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2010
Location: Prague
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rebuilding Alien Bob's multilib toolchain fails

I succesfully used Alien Bob's multilib environment in Slackware for a long time. Recently I upgraded kernel+glibc+gcc Slackware packages which rewrote installed multilib gcc/glibc and I tried to rebuild Alien Bob's multilib toolchain for Slackware from scratch according to Alien Bob's description README but I was not succesfull. The change I made in existing Alien Bob's SlackBuild scripts was to compile gcc-4.4.3 instead of gcc-4.3.3.

First issue was that glibc.pthread-disable-forced-unwind-check.diff.gz patch was not applicable to glibc-2.11.1 sources and glibc-multilib.SlackBuild script failed. I was able to make my own patch that solves this issue and I was able to create "bootstrap" version of a multilib glibc.

Second issue is that I'm not able to use temporary gcc/glibc bootstrap toolchain to build a shared, multilib set of packages for the "c,c++,ada" languages by using gcc-multilib.SlackBuild script. During gcc configuration configuration script says that gcc is not able to compile ada. I'm confusing by Alien Bob's sentence in description "The pre-existing gnat compiler will be used by the static gcc to recompile gnat for multilib.". It seems that static gcc compiler is not able to use pre-existing gnat compiler from default Slackware installation. I extracted source file and test for ada from gcc configuration script and run
gcc -c conftest.adb
gnat make conftest.adb
both say that ada is not supported by gcc that is probably right because static gcc doesn't support ada.

My question is how to build a shared, multilib set of packages for the "c,c++,ada" languages and proceed to following step and rebuild glibc packages.

Thank you for any help or explanation.
Old 04-01-2010, 05:38 AM   #2
Alien Bob
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It was hard enough building the multilib toolchain from scratch the first time! So, I will not try to replay it and see how I can resolve your errors ;-)
There's simply not enough time.

What you should do once you have a working set of multilib gcc and glibc packages, is to use those to build never versions of them.



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