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Old 02-27-2004, 12:41 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: fedora cor 5 x86_64
Posts: 639

Rep: Reputation: 30
processes running

well ,my computer seemed a little slow, so i looked at the processes running... this is what i got... how can i get rid of some fo these? i know im dont need them all, this is just for a personal computer, any help?

1 ? 00:00:04 init
2 ? 00:00:00 keventd
3 ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd_CPU0
4 ? 00:00:26 kswapd
5 ? 00:00:00 bdflush
6 ? 00:00:00 kupdated
10 ? 00:00:00 mdrecoveryd
11 ? 00:00:00 kjournald
23 ? 00:00:01 kjournald
41 ? 00:00:00 kapmd
113 ? 00:00:00 khubd
842 ? 00:00:36 dhcpcd
1066 ? 00:00:00 syslogd
1069 ? 00:00:00 klogd
1072 ? 00:00:00 inetd
1081 ? 00:00:00 crond
1083 ? 00:00:00 atd
1087 ? 00:00:00 apmd
1092 ? 00:00:00 gpm
1094 tty1 00:00:00 bash
1095 tty2 00:00:00 agetty
1096 tty3 00:00:00 agetty
1097 tty4 00:00:00 agetty
1098 tty5 00:00:00 agetty
1099 tty6 00:00:00 agetty
10315 ? 00:00:00 eth0
13310 tty1 00:00:00 startx
13321 tty1 00:00:00 xinit
13322 ? 00:00:56 X
13326 tty1 00:00:00 xinitrc
13328 tty1 00:00:00 startkde
13347 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13350 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13352 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13355 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13364 ? 00:00:08 artsd
13366 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13370 tty1 00:00:00 kwrapper
13372 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13373 ? 00:00:02 kdeinit
13375 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13377 ? 00:00:01 kdeinit
13380 ? 00:00:05 kdeinit
13381 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13384 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13386 ? 00:00:00 kwikdisk
13387 ? 00:00:01 superkaramba
13388 ? 00:00:00 korgac
13389 ? 00:00:19 opera
13391 ? 00:00:03 kmail
13392 ? 00:00:00 xmms
13397 ? 00:00:56 gaim
13399 ? 00:00:00 kalarmd
13665 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13668 ? 00:00:00 kdeinit
13669 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
13671 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
Old 02-27-2004, 01:17 AM   #2
Registered User
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Sweden Södertälje
Distribution: Archlinux, crux and gentoo
Posts: 32

Rep: Reputation: 15
Hmm .
Type top in your console.
Or you can tape an even beter thing.
ps -aux |more
there you can se where the process are runing and what.

Yes you can kill some of your process.
But I'm not shure that it will work.

What computer do you have ?

How big swap etc ?

It seems that you are runing kde.

Have you tryed gnome,xfre4,fluxbox,blackbox ?

Sorry about my English.

/ Teo
Old 02-27-2004, 02:34 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2004
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 16
I'm not that good myself, but I can help you with some of that.

Obviously you can kill any processes with the "kill id_of_the_process" command. To avoid those processes coming back when you reboot, the proper way is to make the scripts which launch them unexecutable. You can do that with "chmod 644 rc.gpm" for the gpm process. You can find scripts in "/etc/rc.d" and "/etc". When slackware boots, it uses "/etc/inittab" script, which itself launches "/etc/rc.d/rc.S", "/etc/rc.d/rc.M",....

init, keventd, ksoftirqd_CPU0, bdflushd, kupdated, mdrecovery, syslogd, klogd : kernel daemons, some of them might be unnecessary, but I have them too and I'm not too sure what they do.

kjournald : you chose ext3 or reiserfs during install, and you have two partitions, thus two of those running.

khubd, dhcpd : I don't have these. I have a single machine too.

inetd : net daemons, ftp, finger, time,... Those are listening on various ports (try "nmap -vv localhost"), which is not safe security wise. I suggest you edit "/etc/inetd.conf" and remove everything but the absolutely necessary.

crond : the housecleaner. To see what it does, check "/etc/cron.hourly", "/etc/cron.daily",... Good idea to leave it running unless you know what you are doing.

atd : task scheduler.

gpm : mouse utility for outside KDE, mostly useless.

kapmd, apmd : I dont have those, but unless I'm mistaken, apm stands for advanced power management. It's odd that you have two of those running.

The six agetty : normal, check "/etc/inittab".

Everything else is KDE related, and like the other poster said, try another X lighter than KDE.



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