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Old 06-16-2006, 04:58 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 309

Rep: Reputation: 30
problems with my new slackware install

i just switched back to slackware(10.2) from windows on my main box and i'm having a few problems that i don't recall having before. if anybody could help me out, i'd appreciate it.

1. when i'm using a terminal emulator, any terminal emulator, ctrl+z doesn't work right. i can use it to stop a program, but then it doesn't give me the shell back, it just kinda hangs. this bugs me cuz i like to use fg and bg with console programs that i run. the wierd thing is that it works fine in the real console.

**update** if i run a command first(like ls,ps,etc.) the problem goes away. but it's still a wierd problem and i'd like to find out why this is happening and fix it.
**update** this has started happening in the console as well. running a command first solves it there too. this is really wierd.

2. one of the first things i did was setup alsa. i have a generic on-board soundcard, alsamixer says the card is:
Card: SiS SI7012
Chip: C-Media Electronics CMI
i ran alsaconf and selected the intel8x0 SiS driver(the only one that showd up besides legacy). i now have sound, but i can't control the volume. i don't have volume bars on 'master' or 'pcm' and none of the other volume bars affect anything. muting master doesn't do anything, i have to mute it by muting pcm, but i have no actual volume control.

Last edited by slinky2004; 06-16-2006 at 09:37 PM.
Old 06-17-2006, 05:15 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 615

Rep: Reputation: 50
1. when i'm using a terminal emulator, any terminal emulator, ctrl+z doesn't work right. i can use it to stop a program, but then it doesn't give me the shell back
Is it supposed to give you the shell back? (I don't think so)


alsa is queried about a lot

Old 06-18-2006, 01:06 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2004
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for the ctrl+z thing, i meant that it doesn't give the prompt back, the program hangs. for example: i boot up, log in, run lynx, hit ctrl+z and it hangs. i have to go to another tty and kill -9 lynx. after this point, ctrl+z works like its supposed to(with lynx or any other program) and i can stop a process and use bg or fg on it as i need to. i believe that ctrl z is supposed to stop(but not kill) a running process so that you can use your shell to send it to the background or do whatever, at least thats how i've been using it.

as far as the sound card, it looks like my sound card isn't supported yet. i'm lucky to be getting sound at all. i'm gonna ask about it on the alsa message list. i remember running slackware 9 on this box and the sound worked, but i was much newer to linux then and i might not have noticed(or cared) about volume control as long as the sound worked, but i cant remember.

Last edited by slinky2004; 06-18-2006 at 01:14 AM.
Old 06-18-2006, 01:43 AM   #4
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Just in case your not aware. Slackware 10.2 has the 2.6.13 kernel listed in testing. In addition, there is an alsa and modules for the 2.6.13 kernel.

Maybe if you upgraded your kernel and your ALSA it will work then? Don't know. Just a thought.
Old 06-18-2006, 04:46 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2004
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maybe it would. for right now i'm using the bare.i kernel, but i plan on rolling my own as soon as i figure out whats wrong with ctrl+z.
Old 06-18-2006, 05:01 PM   #6
Registered: May 2004
Location: South Carolina
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Unfortunately, on my machine control+z and fg/bg work perfectly.

The best solution I can come up with (because I don't actually know what the real problem is) is to just run programs like, "programname &" and then hit enter twice. It works almost the exact same as control+z/bg does.
Old 06-19-2006, 02:42 PM   #7
Registered: Jan 2006
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Ctl-Z won't work in a terminal program because the terminal program is passing it through to whatever's on the other side.
Old 06-19-2006, 04:55 PM   #8
Registered: May 2004
Location: Wash DC Metro Area
Distribution: Slackware 11
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Re: Sound Card. Do what I did... go to and buy the $20 Soundblaster SE OEM card. Plug it into your PCI slot. Goto your BIOS and disable your onboard card.

I'm not home right now, but I recall seeing that my 10.2 card saw the SB SE card as SB LE (which is completely supported by the kernel and ALSA.)

NB: For the users that say that Linux sees right thru the BIOS, I have to say that I haven't found my onboard card in the /proc directory, noting that I'm still at the stage of using the sata.i kernel.

Old 06-19-2006, 08:36 PM   #9
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Registered: Apr 2006
Location: West Long Branch, NJ
Distribution: Slackware
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I have seen this problem when running seamonkey (the full mozilla suite) in a xterm window in background and then doing a ls or other command. The ls seems to never complete. It almost seems as if a read has been placed on stdin. This may also be a problem with job control in bash but I have not done any research at this point.

Make sure you have run alsaconf as root and that it actually sees your sounds hardware. Most motherboards seem to have ac'97 devices. If you rebuilt your kernel you may need to pull the alsa code from the source cd and rebuild the alsa modules and re-install them. If not make sure you actually have the alsa modules loaded (lsmod). The run alsamixer and insure the sound card is not muted. Since I have 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 I did the check on my 10.1 system.


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