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Old 09-06-2003, 03:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD
Posts: 9

Rep: Reputation: 0
Problem with newly compiled 2.4.22 kernel

Well i decided to compile a new kernel using the 2.4.22 kernel so i could acutally get my nic card to work right and my sound card

But i did so, did everything, edited my lilo.conf , ran /sbin/lilo afterwards it says added Linux, Linux-2.4.22 so far so good

well i goto lilo when i reboot, i select my new kernel, it does its thing acts like it will work, then reboots my computer... it does it everytime, but doesnt leave an error message or anything.. very strange really , oh this is Slack 9.0 and im also trying to get a d-link DFE530TX+ nic card to work on it. So i figured recompling a new kernel would help with that, being as it woulnt work.. also i dont have a /usr/src/linux dir at all, in my /usr/src all i have is /rpm

so how do i get that linux director their?? so ya its a mutil part ? Main problem is the kernel rebooting the machine everytime so its very odd to me. Also would like to find any way to get that ethernet card workign right cuz im sure itll work. and also about the /usr/src/linux dir i metniond but any help is appreciated


Old 09-06-2003, 05:32 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2003
Distribution: Debian/other
Posts: 2,104

Rep: Reputation: 45
So i figured recompling a new kernel would help with that, being as it woulnt work.. also i dont have a /usr/src/linux dir at all, in my /usr/src all i have is /rpm

so how do i get that linux director their??
/usr/src/linux is typically a symlink to the extracted source directory - you'd typically put your extracted source directory in /usr/src/, in your case its linux-2.4.22 then as root in a shell

ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.4.22 /usr/src/linux

You,ve now got a symlink called linux and the extracted source directory in /usr/src/

Then simply

cd /usr/src/linux

before you start the

make xconfig

etc etc etc
Old 09-06-2003, 01:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD
Posts: 9

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Well that answers my one questions i have, but a few others left unanswered for now, thanks for yoru reply, but got any other answer?


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