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diwljina 02-28-2011 04:33 AM

Problem with conky in current
2 Attachment(s)

I'm using conkyForecast script in my conkyrc and it worked until I upgraded to current. I'm using two conky instances and problem is only with one with forecast information. Afrer every text there is empty box that messes up everything. Screenshots of before and after are attached.

Everything worked great until update, so I don't think it is comething in conkyrc, but here it is:


background yes
own_window yes
own_window_type normal # normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager #
own_window_colour black
double_buffer yes
use_spacer left
override_utf8_locale yes
use_xft yes
font DejaVu Sans:size=10
xftfont sans:size=10
xftalpha 0.8
update_interval 5.0
uppercase no  # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
stippled_borders 2
border_width 1
minimum_size 385
default_outline_color black
default_shade_color black
draw_borders no
draw_outline no  # amplifies text if yes
draw_shades no  # shadecolor black
default_color white
color0 cyan
color1 white
color2 00ddff
color3 00ddff
color4 wheat
color5 salmon
color6 red
color7 lightblue
color8 yellow
color9 red
alignment tm
gap_x -10
gap_y 18
text_buffer_size 6076 # large buffer needed
no_buffers yes  # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
short_units yes
pad_percents 2
imlib_cache_size 0
${execpi 1800 /usr/bin/conkyForecast --locale=en --location=SRXX0005 --template=/home/user/.conky/forecast/weather.template}

And here is weather.template:

${image [--datatype=WI] -p 12,0 -s 90x90}${image [--datatype=MI] -p 12,80 -s 50x50}
${voffset 120}${goto 25}${color1}[--datatype=HT --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=LT --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]
${voffset -130}${goto 120}${color1}[--datatype=CT]
${font}${voffset 0}${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Station: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=OB]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Wind Speed: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=WS]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}UV: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=UI] - [--datatype=UT]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Humidity: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=HM]
# ${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Dew Point: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=DP]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Sunrise/Set: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=SR] / [--datatype=SS]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Bar: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=BR] - [--datatype=BD]
${goto 120}${color2}${font zekton:size=10}Moon: ${color1}${font}[--datatype=MP]
${color0}${font zekton:size=10}${voffset 3}${goto 35}[--datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday]${goto 135}[--datatype=DW --startday=2 --shortweekday]${goto 235}[--datatype=DW --startday=3 --shortweekday]${goto 335}[--datatype=DW --startday=4 --shortweekday]
${image [--datatype=WI --startday=1] -p 17,170 -s 50x50}${image [--datatype=WI --startday=2] -p 117,170 -s 50x50}${image [--datatype=WI --startday=3] -p 217,170 -s 50x50}${image [--datatype=WI --startday=4] -p 317,170 -s 50x50}
${voffset 40}${font}${goto 25}${color1}[--datatype=HT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=LT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]${goto 125}[--datatype=HT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=LT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]${goto 225}[--datatype=HT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=LT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]${goto 325}[--datatype=HT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=LT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]

Any idea what could be the problem?

Daedra 02-28-2011 09:11 PM

I maintain the conky and conkyforecast package over at and I am currently having no problems. However the version of conkyforecast at SBo is 2.12, there is newer version, 2.15 I think. You could try install it and see if that fixes your problem.

Daedra 02-28-2011 09:31 PM

However I forgot to mention that I also had an issue with conkyforecast and disappearing weather fonts, but it rarely happens and a restart always fixes it. But the last time this happened was about two weeks ago and I did a bad exit from KDE.

diwljina 03-01-2011 02:52 AM

I contacted author of conkyforecast and he told me that the problem is with 1.8.1 version of conky."it messes up goto/offset commands when they are in a template and parsed with execp/execpi...either install conky 1.8.0 or revert from using a template."

I installed 1.8.0 and it solved the problem. I was having some problem with compiling the older version. Enabled audacious, mpd, lua and some other things couldn't compile, so I just installed the binary that I compiled for 13.1 (and linked to because conky couldn't find it).

enorbet 03-01-2011 06:53 AM

I'm Curious
Have you guys compared Conky functions to KDE plasmoids? So far most I've tried use less resources than my conky on my Slackware-Current box and my conky is slowly dwindling in size to bare essentials that just look better than similar plasmoids. What are your experiences in this?

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