My access to internet is limited. Downloading mysql binary tgz isn't feasible.
However, I have mysql binary rpm and source tar.gz from my local linux magz bonus dvd.
I want to install from binary rpm as best as I could. Because it's MySQL AB's recommendation.
But I guess slackware folks hate rpm. Hmmm, now i have dillema.
I Did this first:
ln -s /etc/rc.d /etc/init.d
from mysql 5.0 ref manual:
if you want to install the MySQL RPM on older Linux distributions that do not support initialization scripts in /etc/init.d (directly or via a symlink), you should create a symbolic link that points to the location where your initialization scripts actually are installed.
and then:
rpm -iv MySql-..-i386.rpm
Dissapointing result.
messages scrolled stated that mysql needs this and that(glibc,perl,etc.).
What's wrong? glibc, perl are exist in my system.
Now i still haven't install mysql.
In this mysql case, I avoid install from source.
The mysql 5.0 ref manual scares me about installing from source and it always recommends "try binary first"
And adding to that: hassle, too many prerequisites, prone to newbie-error(me!)
from mysql 5.0 ref manual:
if you are using gcc 3.0 and above to compile MySQL, you must install the libstdc++v3 library before compiling MySQL; if you don't do this, you get an error about a missing __cxa_pure_virtual symbol during linking.

this is complicated, mind-boggling!

should I install rpm2tgz and use it?
or any other suggestions?
ps:I've installed apache binary tgz. Download size is quite small.