Hi Hua.
You're welcome for the patches.
Updating glibc should not be done by those unfamiliar with the process - it is not for novices. If you're not comfortable with this,
wait for Slackware to push official upgrades.
That said, thank you for putting together a brief "how-to". I do have an important correction, though. For Slackware 14.1, you should
use the build files from the
patches directory (not the L dir) so you have Slackware's latest glibc security update from 20141024.
The following are instructions for Slackware 14.1:
- Get build files and new patches
# mkdir mypackages && cd mypackages
# lftp -c "open http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware-14.1/patches/source; mirror -c --parallel=3 -n -X *.mirrorlist glibc"
# cd glibc
# wget http://sf.net/projects/mancha/files/sec/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-7817.diff
# wget http://sf.net/projects/mancha/files/sec/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-9402.diff
# wget http://sf.net/projects/mancha/files/sec/glibc-2.17_CVE-2015-0235.diff
- Edit Slackbuild
Using your favorite editor open glibc.SlackBuild and change the BUILD (line 27) to "9_patched". Also, add the following four
lines to the end of apply_patches() (line 207). It should look like this after adding the lines in red:
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-5119.diff || exit 1
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-6040.diff || exit 1
# Security hardening patch from Florian Weimer:
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_hardening.diff || exit 1
# Bugfix patch for optimization in gcc-4.8+:
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_gcc48-unsafe-optim.diff || exit 1
# New security patches
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-7817.diff || exit 1
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_CVE-2014-9402.diff || exit 1
patch -p1 --verbose < $CWD/glibc-2.17_CVE-2015-0235.diff || exit 1
# This is going to be the initial $DESTDIR:
export PKG=$TMP/package-glibc-incoming-tree
- Build
# sh glibc.SlackBuild
New packages will be in /glibc-$COOKIE. A similar process can be followed for those running current.