I use firefox too
Now back to the topic. The reason why I want my MP3s and games seperated is that I don't want them to be gone everytime I reformat my windows drive. Windows just s*** without a reformat every now and then. I already have these partitions on my hdd:
a 20G win part, 15G linux, 10G MP3, 30G Games. What I wanted to do is to install linux on my system, and delete Suse which is my current linux os. I just can't figure out how to do it properly on an hdd that already has partitions. I don't want to lose the files contained in GAMES and MP3 because it also contains my work stuff.
As of now, I still can't do without windows. I am still in the process of learning linux. The reason why I'll switch from suse to slack is that I just can't find enough space to learn linux in suse.
I have planned to reformat windows part and to split linux partition into several parts. My MP3 and GAMES should stay as is. It is FAT32 so linux can also manipulate files there. BTW how about a boot partition? Is it needed?