hi all, i picked up an old hp scanjet 3200c which is listed by the sane project as in good status.
the scanner works in windows xp, and suse but not slackware - yet
I have "ppdev" as module in my kernel and it shown as being there in "cat /proc/modules" and so is "parport" as well.
Root or the regular user cant get it to work.
I'm using the linuxpackages xsane driver that ken z made; and I have a full install of slack 10.2 so I know I have the libsane in here.
I type in "xsane -V umax_pp" as I did in suse, xsane luanches, yells at me for being root, and then xsane closes with the error : "faile to open device 'umax_pp'" Invalid arugment.
I'm tyring it as root to avoid any chown/dev crap-o-la for the moment. Now that "xsane -V umax_pp" is all i have to type in to get it to work in suse.
But when I use the help for "xsane --help" it says I should use the following context: xsane [OPTION]... [DEVICE] which for I believe ? would be "xsane -V /dev/umax_pp:/dev/scanner" but I don't have a /dev/scanner in my /dev directory, how do I get one.
almost all of the how-to's or forum threads for kernel 2.6 and up threads are USB scanner devices.
I can't use "sane-find-scanner" like they do with USB scanners, as the "sane-find-scanner" does not work for parrallel port scanners according to sane's documentation.
my config file for the scanner is at default's.
the sane documentation says that my scanner altho has an HP label on it really is a umax "rebranded" scanner as they put it.
any ideas are appreciated.