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Old 06-17-2014, 07:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2010
Location: Roma, Italy
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openjdk v7u60 upgrade

After upgrading to openjdk-7u60_b30-i486-1alien.txz (the openjdk Alien package) Netbeans 8.0 editor opens without text in menus and windows, making it unusable. This does not happen if I use the package created with SlackBuild in extra/java and Oracle-Java jdk-7u60-linux-i586.tar.gz file.
Is there anyone who has had the same problem?
Old 06-17-2014, 09:19 AM   #2
Alien Bob
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I tried this on my Slackware64 13.37 machine (the only one I have available now) with openjdk 7u60_b30 installed. I added the netbeans package using the script.

I see no issues, the application opens, I can configure the openjdk package as the Java to use. The menus are fully functional and the interface shows texts.

Click image for larger version

Name:	netbeans_java7u60.PNG
Views:	36
Size:	85.5 KB
ID:	15735

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Old 06-17-2014, 09:34 AM   #3
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Maybe I'm wrong, in an excess of zeal, erasing previously hidden directories /home/paolo/.java and /root/.java. Many thanks for your attention.
Old 06-18-2014, 08:05 AM   #4
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I have found that OpenJDK does not work properly in some cases -- I have two Java applications that simply refuse to run or crash using OpenJDK. Why this occurs, I do not know (and really don't have the time to try to figure it out) and I simply download JDK from Oracle and install it with the SlackBuild from the /extra directory on the distribution media.

I don't use NetBeans, but I have had problems with DSpace and with MoneyDance with OpenJDK that do not occur with Oracle JDK. I've been told that OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are pretty much identical but for some reason one works and the other doesn't for me (YMMV, though).

I'd rather not have to deal with problems so I'm sticking with Oracle JDK; it may be a violation of all that's holy to not give a hoot whether JDK is open source or not, but I'll take the chance of burning in hell to have a working proprietary product in this case.
Old 06-18-2014, 08:47 AM   #5
Alien Bob
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Originally Posted by tronayne View Post
I have found that OpenJDK does not work properly in some cases -- I have two Java applications that simply refuse to run or crash using OpenJDK. Why this occurs, I do not know (and really don't have the time to try to figure it out) and I simply download JDK from Oracle and install it with the SlackBuild from the /extra directory on the distribution media.

I don't use NetBeans, but I have had problems with DSpace and with MoneyDance with OpenJDK that do not occur with Oracle JDK. I've been told that OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are pretty much identical but for some reason one works and the other doesn't for me (YMMV, though).

I'd rather not have to deal with problems so I'm sticking with Oracle JDK; it may be a violation of all that's holy to not give a hoot whether JDK is open source or not, but I'll take the chance of burning in hell to have a working proprietary product in this case.
When was the last time you tried this with OpenJDK? What are the errors (if any) that you are getting?

Old 06-18-2014, 10:24 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Alien Bob View Post
When was the last time you tried this with OpenJDK? What are the errors (if any) that you are getting?
Hi, Eric,

It's been a while since I tried OpenJDK, something like a year or so (before the huge problems with Java reared up).

MoneyDance wouldn't do anything (except produce a lot of errors and then crash.

DSpace requires JDK, PostgreSQL, Apace Maven, Apache Ant and Apache Tomcat to build and execute (it takes about an hour to go through the steps to get DSpace built). Using OpenJDK (again, a while ago), I couldn't get through Maven and Ant without errors (lots of errors); I did install Maven, Ant and Tomcat with OpenJDK on the box and all the recommended configuration settings. When that didn't work, I removed OpenJDK, installed Oracle JDK, rebuilt all the Apache software (which didn't actually require all that much rebuilding) then built DSpace -- no runs, no drips, no errors and it runs just fine.

I might -- might -- wipe my lap top clean of Oracle and see if I can install DSpace with OpenJDK but that will be awhile before it happens because my server and the servers I support are all working just fine and I don't want to mess with them (the lap top is a portable DSpace mirror platform with all the data bases I use and support).

So, basically, OpenJDK is kind of out and Oracle is kind of in, just don't have the time to analyze and fiddle with it given that it works as is.



java, netbeans, openjdk

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