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Old 06-20-2006, 03:09 PM   #1
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Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Siberia
Distribution: Slackware & Slamd64. What else is there?
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Talking Off-topic but nice comic relief

Have you guys seen this? Don't stop at the first few pages. Keep going until you see what he is up to. Really ingenious...

Old 06-21-2006, 02:53 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Guadalajara, Jal, Mexico
Distribution: Slackware Linux
Posts: 211

Rep: Reputation: 31
WTH where you trying to do?! Showing me another Java tutorial?!
And making me click telling me it's supposed to be fun! Have you gone crazy?!
Do you have a clue of how much I'll like to kill somebody whenever I see Java code?!
Just thinking of all its messed up libraries makes me sick and just thinking about reading from stdin and having to add a friggin try/catch statement just for THAT is the closer I've ever been to hell!
Oh! The memories! The horrible, horrible memories!
I Won't go back there!
The Java creeps there, it will take your mind and eat it!
Then, you'll start using the AWT! And you'll drive crazy with it!
Just like I did!
And your interfaces shall all look awful!
Just like it's been happening to all of The Java slaves!
And then you shall start using more libraries and more and more... you shall then try to run them in Windos, thinking that they are portable... But Oh! Surprise! They won't run! And you shall spend the rest of your days Eclipsed, while trying to port your program to The Java of Windos!

After years have passed by, The Java shall have infected all your nervous system, and you'll become another pawn on its world domination game.
And The Java shall then be named king of all the languages!

< / way-too-much-free-time mode >

Damn, man, you are mean.

BTW the fun part is at the end (oop11.htm).
Old 06-21-2006, 10:08 AM   #3
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Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Siberia
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LOL yeah I also hate Java and everything it stands for, so I couldn't decide whether to post the link or not. But the guy who wrote it said something that made the decision easier:

"Now you're set to go and make your way in the exciting world of Java programming. You're probably saying to yourself, "No, I don't know enough yet!" Don't be silly. Java is so hyped that employers who have no idea what it is are listing it as a "job requirement". So give 'em what they deserve. Put "java" on your resume. If they call you on it, say something like, "Why yes, I was just instantiating some objects this morning." Then ask them something that will make them feel stupid, like "Say, if I've got a problem with vectors from the awt class, would you be the one to talk to about that?" They'll never ask again, and you'll be sipping free Odwalla by Monday. Trust me."
Old 06-21-2006, 04:57 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Guadalajara, Jal, Mexico
Distribution: Slackware Linux
Posts: 211

Rep: Reputation: 31
Originally Posted by Randux signature
Teach a man Vi and he'll be an idiot for a day; teach a man Java and he'll be an idiot for the rest of his life.
I like that phrase. Is it yours?
Old 06-21-2006, 05:17 PM   #5
Senior Member
Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Siberia
Distribution: Slackware & Slamd64. What else is there?
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Rep: Reputation: 55

Originally Posted by theoffset
I like that phrase. Is it yours?
Si, amigo :-)


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