hi, im having a relatively small problem with my new 2.6.9 kernel (small in that the actual kernel is working fine) but it has forcedme to go back to my i recently compiled a 1.7meg specialised 2.6.9 kernel for my machine, which booted fine.
however, the nvidia graphics drivers i must install to use X claim they cannot find the module nvidia.ko (or something like that) cannot be installed (after it compiles the nvidia module). it then says the most likely scenario is that it cannot find the correct kernel source code.
to give you an idea of my set up and kernel specifics, i use Slackware 10 and tend to compile my kernels from a directory i made called /usr/kernel-src where I leave the kernel source code afterward. source is in /usr/kernel-src/linux2.6.8.1, 2.6.9 source is in /usr/kernel-src/linux2.6.9. when a kernel is complete I make its bzImage something like /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9 and System.map /boot/System.map-2.6.9, with symbolic links to them in boot as 'vmlinuz' and 'System.map'.
the nvidia module always installed flawlessly onto the kernel and i have changed very little in .config. does anyone have any idea what is going on? i will try to recompile it probably but i'd be surprised if that works as the kernel is fundamentally working and the only thing i actually ADDED to its compile .config was a webcam driver module.
PS - what does System.map do? I always have /boot/System.map symbolic linked to /boot/System.map-2.6.(latest) - does that mean that even if I boot my old 2.4.26 slack kernel it will use the 2.6.9 System.map? does this matter? thanks