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hsimah 01-10-2006 06:59 AM

Thanks for posting all that, the problem is I didn't know how to disable the rivafb from the kernel. The driver will not install while it is enabled. From what I gather you cannot just remove the module, you have to reconfigure the kernel.

With the 2.4.31 kernel how can I configure the kernel to disable the support? mirto said to make menuconfig and then go to device drivers, but there is no device drivers in the screen that comes up when I type make menuconfig.

mirto 01-10-2006 07:18 AM

rkrishna don't mess the things here!! You tell him how to configure the ALREADY installed driver. THE problem is not to configure it's to install! Is better to upgrade to 2.6 since have mor options for usb and so. If he don't want to upgrade he will need to recompile the 2.4 the same way cause the modules that conflict with this kernel are loaded on the boot. So you must to remove the modules on the kernel 2.4 or above otherwise it not compiles.
I hv an nvidia vga and this is tha way it works. After installing the driver you can configure your X with yours configs above.

hsimah 01-10-2006 07:30 AM

Thanks mirto, I thought thats what he was talking about. Right now I am up to the "make" stage of my new kernel. All instructions have been followed both from the Upgrade to 2.6.0 thread (stickied here) and your previous ones. Here is hoping it works. I can't believe how nervous this makes me, my hands are actually shaking!!

EDIT: Le sigh. I did all that but when I reboot it says I am using Linux 2.4.31. I ran the NVIDIA installer again, and nothing. I wonder what I am doing wrong?

mirto 01-10-2006 08:24 AM

hey tell me exactally what you did. by the way those instruction I gave you were to kernel 2.6, 2.4 are a little different but if you wanna use the 2.4 I can help you.

hsimah 01-10-2006 08:31 AM

Well, I followed this thread: including the link to the other, older thread, though the line wasn't what line they said it would be on. I also did not have a .config file.

Other than that I followed what it says there to a T, and then followed your instructions when I was in the menuconfig for the kernel. I saved the kernel config and it spent a good while listing things it was doing, then I did the rest of what that thread says to do, and finally rebooted. I haven't received any errors, it just says at login: Welcome to Linux 2.4.31 (tty1).

If I wanted to just stick with the 2.4.31 kernel, do I just undo everything I have done, and re-link /usr/src/linux with /usr/src/linux-2.4.31 using that ln line? Also, if I did that could you help me reconfigure the 2.4.31 kernel?

Sorry to be such a bother, it just doesn't seem to like me. I'd like to get these drivers working, then figure out about kernel upgrading.

mirto 01-10-2006 08:37 AM

well to compile the kernel I just use make mrproper (!! atention that this is just to clean a old compile, and it delete your config .config), then 'make', make modules_install, and last make install. After that you can reboot. If you will try again I sugest you 'mv .config .config.bak" and do a make mrproper, then mv .config.bak .config
Did you make a link to your linux kernel? ln -s?
That is good cause some applications rely on that.

hsimah 01-10-2006 08:51 AM

OK, I did that make mrproper and in one of the lines it prints it said .../linuc-2.6.15 so it is reading from the source I downlaoded and extracted from Also the make menuconfig is different from when I did it with 2.4.31. Right now it is "make"ing. Will update asap!

mirto 01-10-2006 08:59 AM

ok, well if you want to this with the 2.4 kernel the steps make ... are different and I did it only once. did you ln -s linux-2.6.15 linux? It is good and easy to enter in the current kernel folder. btw how did you set up your config you get a prebuilt one or did it yourself?

hsimah 01-10-2006 09:15 AM

YES! I upgraded my first kernel. And you will want to slap me for this... I went back into lilo.conf just to take a look... I had changed vmlinux to vmlinuz.old. A quick change to linuX and a reboot, and the three kernel compiles I just did (I'm assuming) were a waste of time!

The Nvidia drivers are building as I type this... Done.

Well, KDE has launched and the refresh rates etc are updated and I can move windows around with a lag to them. I think we have successfully helped hsimah 1) upgrade his kernel; 2) configure his kernel to his unique system; 3) install those bloody drivers.

Thank you so much mirto, you have no idea how much you have helped me.

One last question though, how do I change the resolution higher than 1024x768? I think its in xorg.conf.

EDIT scratch that. xorg.conf edited, and now I have my 1280x1024 res back in KDE.

mirto 01-10-2006 09:39 AM

a good thing it to look for your monitor manual on the google thera are the refresh rata the it uses. but you got 1280 that fine, I did that once with the monitos manual but my desktopp was strange the things where too big (1280x1024), then I find my manual and chaged the refresh rates and voila!
btw with your nem 2.6 kernel you can give excution permission to the udev 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.udev' then /etc/rc.d/rc.udev this will clean all those thing on /dev if you plug a usb flash drive will be only /dev/sdxx.

mirto 01-10-2006 09:41 AM

I was almost forgotting try on lilo boot 'name_you_gave_to_your_linux vga=794' if it boots you hv a 1280x1024 console. then you can edit lilo conf with vga=794

hsimah 01-10-2006 09:46 AM

Ah nice, I was just about to Google for how to change the resolution of the console. Cheers buddy!

silent_cutthroat 01-10-2006 11:12 AM

As I can remeber rivafb conflicts with the nvidia driver even if it's compiled as a module.

salparadise 01-10-2006 11:26 AM

In what way is installing the 2.6 kernel a waste of time?

silent_cutthroat 01-10-2006 12:29 PM

// EDIT: I shall look more carefully.

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