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Old 09-29-2013, 07:55 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2010
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Nvidia driver

I currently have slackware14 (full installation) up and running with sound and a desktop display but
there are color issues. Images seem to be weak on green color.

I am just wondering what are the possible approaches to installing Nvidia drivers for Slackware 14 (32 bit) here in 2013.

If I google for info, I find links like

They all seem to be written about 2 years ago. The link above seems straight forward but differs in another approach I read which uses nvidia-kernel (319.32) from; it also doesn’t seem to mention blacklisting the current running module? Driver which my system lists as Nuveau or nothing about kernel sources ( uname -r outputs 3.2.29-smp )

My old computer packed up and since my requirements are moderate I put together a tower with new (but dated parts) consisting of an Asrock N68 motherbroard, and # cat /proc/cpuinfo tells me AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+ processor, with onboard Nvidia GeForce 7025 C61 graphics.

Slackware is installed (full) and after startx , the desktop comes up fine and I have sound. However I can not seem to get a good color balance by altering my monitor push knobs. The info I have read suggests I will get better display results using a Nvidia driver; I am rather cautious though of going from a point where everything is working to no display.

I have found and downloaded a matching driver for the Nvidia on-board graphics which is

So from my understanding and naivety this is how I would imagine I would install the driver.

1) close running programs Firefox etc
2) logout as user
3) log in as root
4) drop to run level 3 using # init 3

cd to where is and run using

5) blacklist nuveau driver using

# installpkg xf86-video-nouveau-blacklist-noarch-1.txz

logout as root, and back in as user , $startx and pray.

Plan B is to get a none Nvidia graphic card drop it intro the spare PCI slot, and use this by altering BIOS.

Summary: I have display working using Nuveau driver/modul;e but want to see if I can improve my display. If its thought that I am unlikely to get a better display using a proprietary Nvidia driver instead of the currently running module which is Nuveau I will not bother. If the feedback here is that there is a good chance I will get better results ,I want to learn how to do it. Ideally I would like to make the Nvidia driver “available” on my system maybe load the Nvidia with modprobe and unload the Nuveau with rmod Nuveau. All I am looking for is feedback to see if I am on the right lines and any uptodate links please to install Nvidia for Slackware14 (32 bit version)
Old 09-29-2013, 08:13 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by captain_sensible View Post
My old computer packed up and since my requirements are moderate I put together a tower with new (but dated parts) consisting of an Asrock N68 motherbroard, and # cat /proc/cpuinfo tells me AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+ processor, with onboard Nvidia GeForce 7025 C61 graphics.
No way it can be a XP 2400+ with a N68.

XP 2400+ is an old 'socket A' CPU. N68* uses the nForce 630a / GeForce 7025 chipset, which only supports socket AM2/AM2+/AM3/AM3+.

Originally Posted by captain_sensible View Post
I have found and downloaded a matching driver for the Nvidia on-board graphics which is
Very, very old driver (June 21, 2007!)

The current driver you should be using is 304.88-

Supported products

7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a

I'll leave the slackware install question, for now at least. I'm sure (OK, hope) someone with more slackware experience will help out there.
Old 09-29-2013, 08:15 AM   #3
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Yes, the same procedure works over time
The only things that changed is the driver version. I guess you need NVidia 304.108 version
Old 09-29-2013, 11:43 AM   #4
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thanks for replies I just downloaded and will give it a go at installing tomorrow.

My motherboard came as a bundle with CPU cooler and fan already attached,so without removing it and messing about with paste I can not say for sure but that's what cat /proc/cpuinfo outputted.
The accompanying booklet states support for AM3+ processors and Phenom II X6,X4,X3 and X2

Doen't know if this means the supplier has pulled a fast one, but for the price I am not quibbling and the PC has run for some time with no overheating or other obvious problems.
Old 09-29-2013, 12:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by captain_sensible View Post
thanks for replies I just downloaded
Why? 304.108 is the current bug-fixed version.

My motherboard came as a bundle with CPU cooler and fan already attached,so without removing it and messing about with paste I can not say for sure but that's what cat /proc/cpuinfo outputted.
The accompanying booklet states support for AM3+ processors and Phenom II X6,X4,X3 and X2
Please post the exact output of

# lscpu
# lspci
# dmidecode
That should clear up things enough.
Old 09-30-2013, 01:15 PM   #6
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I took the advice and used

Installing the Nvidia module /driver wasn’t as tricky as thought and it installed after blacking Noveau usingxf86-video-nouveau-blacklist-noarch-1.txz rebooting and re-running the Nvidia script like this:

#sh ./ –kernel-name=3.2.29-smp

I now have nvidia installed and there is an entry in my xfce menu stating nvidia server settings and also a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf which at the beginning reads #created by nvidia-xconfig

Now the funny thing is I still have a graphics issue; if I open gimp and open a submenu for color there is no option for green. Green is also missing from any jpg image I open with any image program eg

As for #lscpu

the highlights are:

Handle 0x0004, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPUSocket
Type: Central Processor
Family: Sempron
Manufacturer: AMD
ID: 63 0F 10 00 FF FB 8B 07
Signature: Family 16, Model 6, Stepping 3

Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: ASRock
Product Name: N68-VS3 FX
Serial Number: M80-29013704538
Old 10-01-2013, 03:13 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by willysr View Post
Yes, the same procedure works over time
The only things that changed is the driver version. I guess you need NVidia 304.108 version
I've never quite understood why nVidia sometimes 'hides' driver versions.

I'm running 304.108 myself, but it didnt seem to show up when I searched the nVidia site...

Originally Posted by captain_sensible View Post
Now the funny thing is I still have a graphics issue; if I open gimp and open a submenu for color there is no option for green. Green is also missing from any jpg image I open with any image program eg
Could just be a sotfware issue....could be buggy/broken video hardware in the 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a chipset.

I've got 2 system with that chipset here, both have dead/broken video hardware.

You could always just buy a $25-30 PCIe video card, e.g. nVidia G210, GT 610.

Originally Posted by captain_sensible View Post
Doen't know if this means the supplier has pulled a fast one, but for the price I am not quibbling and the PC has run for some time with no overheating or other obvious problems.
Depends on what they were selling you.

I still find the 2400+ number rather confusing, there shouldnt be a semperon 2400+ that runs in that board.

I wouldnt mind seeing the lshw readout (in 'su', you get more info that way) just to see what CPU it thinks it is....

Last edited by cascade9; 10-01-2013 at 03:14 AM.
Old 10-01-2013, 06:08 AM   #8
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Nvidia never hides their version
It's displayed on their web site
Old 10-01-2013, 06:21 AM   #9
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Yeah, they do.

If I go to, search for drivers for geforce 7 series, and the latest result I get is 304.88. No matter which search method I use.
Old 10-01-2013, 07:59 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by cascade9 View Post
Yeah, they do.

If I go to, search for drivers for geforce 7 series, and the latest result I get is 304.88. No matter which search method I use.
Their unix driver archive page is better.


Last edited by phenixia2003; 10-01-2013 at 08:56 AM.
Old 10-01-2013, 08:58 AM   #11
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Yeah, i never visited their home page, but directly goes to their unix driver
Old 10-02-2013, 01:19 PM   #12
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ok quick update

Either I am going mad or the computer is playing tricks; I tried #lshw the result was "command not found" can other Slackers confirm that this command does't work on Slackware.I then gave
cat /proc/cpuinfo another go the result being :

Amd Sempron 145 64 bit speed 2800mhz.I checked my email as the the spec the supplier quoted and this is exactly what the supplier stated so they were true to their word.I haven't a clue about the previous output for cat /proc/cpuinfo.The BIOS also confirms AMD Sempron 145

I went out and bought for 35 pounds Geforce 210 and put it in the PCI express slot. I then altered BIOS to run graphics from PCI , dropped to init 3 , and ran nvidia-xconfig. The result was that the program stated it updated the necessary files. I then rebooted. The problem is not likely to be the onboard graphics because I have the same problem of no green color with the graphic card. The CPU is 64 bit, and I installed Slackware14 (32 bit) i'm assuming that it own't run as fast as with 64 bit, bnut otherwise should be OK.

On the color I vaguely remember reading a forum post where color was an issue & they did a manual edit of xorg.conf section and changed color depth and added a couple of other lines.

In can not however find anything when doing a google search, so I am stumped.
Old 10-02-2013, 01:49 PM   #13
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If you use vga contact, check and doublecheck it, could be a broken or bent pin.

lshw dont exist in slackware.
Old 10-02-2013, 03:12 PM   #14
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Indeed, it's most likely a broken monitor.
Old 10-02-2013, 03:35 PM   #15
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Failing monitor cables can cause strange issues, too. Got one you can swap it out with?


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