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Old 01-13-2005, 02:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: India
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 21

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unhappy Not able to record sound using microphone


I am not able to record sound using my microphone in Slackware 10. I have configured ALSA perfectly and I am able to hear the songs etc. played using mplayer.

But when I am trying to record sound using Krec, arecord etc. it is not getting recorded. Not able to know what is the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Old 01-13-2005, 02:42 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: SLC, Utah
Distribution: OpenSUSE 12.2
Posts: 246

Rep: Reputation: 30
When you open up Krec do you open up the Input level as well? If not open that up (button that looks like a small graph) and try talking into the mic, you should see the graph respond if it doesn't you may want to double check that you mic volume is turned up in alsamixer.
Old 01-13-2005, 09:01 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: slackware
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
I had the same problem trying to record from another kind of source.
In the end I gave up using krec and i passed to the sound recorder in gnome, and worked well.

Old 02-05-2005, 11:05 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
I was having problems recording with KDE 3.3 (in Suse), until I discovered I had misconfigured the Kmixer.

Make sure that the "Capure" input device is enabled (indicated by a red-led-like icon at the bottom). Then your input device, i.e. mic, should also be enabled with a corresponding light. Finally, the green light for you mic should also be on (there is no green light for the capture device in my Kmix ver 2.1). Hope that helps!

-Phil Douglass
Old 02-05-2005, 11:09 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Distribution: Slackware 10.2
Posts: 116

Rep: Reputation: 15
Don't know anything about KDE

I don't know anything about KDE but I use audacity to record stuff from church. Audacity is a great program slackpackages available at, for audacity to work use alsamixer (from command line) and make sure your mic volume is turned on (press the M key to unmute) at the top of the mic column there should be no "MM". Good luck!



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