Sorry to discourage you, but good luck with that!
You will need to use p3nfs for any kind of functionality, and you might as well give up on the USB cable unless you like low level reverse engineering and raw communication protocol.
You basically need to establish a PPP connection over the USB cable which will actually be emulated as a serial connection (if I remember correctly). Read Linux.usb in the p3nfs doc/ directory.
My advice to you, save yourself the headache and spend $25 on a bluetooth dongle. Support is *much* better for this and you will have very few, if any, problems with it. See my signature for a guide on bluetooth (I also mention p3nfs in this guide since I have a nokia9300 which inspired the writing of the guide)
I just remembered that you device has a little bit better support for the USB cable, but it will still be no cake walk. You still might want to consider the bluetooth option. Also, p3nfs has a good google group you might want to check out.
Last edited by drkstr; 08-31-2006 at 09:42 PM.