Originally Posted by tuxer1111
I want this Browser Chromium 31.0.1650.57 in Slackbulds, but I also have seen on Debian stable that they have the 33 Version.
So my question is, where can i find a tar.gz file for this.
Here the link doesn't work with the new one.
There is another option. On your Slackware DVD navigate to /extra and look for the google-chrome directory. In that directory is a slackbuild script for creating your own Google Chrome package.
Go to Google and download the debian current .deb installer for google chrome (it is at version 33). Create your package using the slackbuild script. Ensure that the debian current installer is in the same directory as your slackbuild script.
# chmod +x google-chrome.SlackBuild
The slackbuild script will create a Google Chrome package for you in /tmp
Install package: # installpkg nameofpackage