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Old 05-26-2014, 06:22 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2014
Posts: 276

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Need help understanding wpa_supplicant diagnostic lines

I ran my script to connect to Dogy House with wpa_supplicant.conf and without /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf and set -x to watch wpa_supplicant work with -dd option. I have been unable to get a connection and everything pointed to a problem at the wpa_supplicant command.
It seems to do a scan (several really). One scan label was "Try to find WPA-enabled AP" in which I found the AP I had selected via its ESSID looking like:
5: b8:bd:b2:b2:2b:bd ssid='Dogy House' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - blacklisted
It does not occur in my black list file so what does skip - blacklisted mean? Did I use a wrong password to create the passphrase?? It is what I was given.
Now there are other reasons that APs get scipped like: SSID mismatch, SSID not known.
Later it states this:
Removed BSSID b8:bd:b2:b2:2b:bd from blacklist (clear)
It finally selects the entirely wrong AP
Can someone explain to me what these lines mean?
Old 05-27-2014, 04:30 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Void Linux, former Slackware
Posts: 498

Rep: Reputation: 100Reputation: 100
To check/control blacklisted APs you can use wpa_cli tool. AFAIK in ap_scan mode 1 after several failed connection attempts APs get temporarily blacklisted.
I'd try to isolate any default configuration settings and explicitly use your supplied. However without showing your script it's just a guess from a crystal ball.
Btw. did you managed to connect to some other WPA protected AP ? WPA1, WPA2, TKIP or AES encryption ?
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Old 05-27-2014, 01:16 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2014
Posts: 276

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Thanks a bunch. That is precisely the kind of info I am looking to get. Was unaware that repeated connection failures were related to blacklisting.
I'm guessing at what specifically you mean when referring to default settings. The wpa_supplicant.conf file is modified from the original default? parameters with only ESSID and PSK via sed -i command which I've checked so know it worked. Have only recently discovered info on ap_scan and it is =1. Running wpa_supplicant in fg and with -dd. Can't think of what else there might be for defaults but there probably are and am not aware. Hence only the wpa_suplicant and dhclient command being applied sans the wpa_passphrase.
I gather then U think I have erroneously entered the password to create a passphrase. I will recheck with the establishment to validate I am using a correct one.
Regarding other APs. No connection other than when these 2 commands finish I ended up in a commercial TV supplier's site where there was naught but and advert. Got out quick. Don't know why that happened other than it was selected by the wpa_supp command after blacklisting my target.
Is there a way to force wpa_supplicant to connect ONLY to the ESSID/SSID specified?
This is a script in progress where I have 2 WPA2 sites that are allowing me to connect but obviously haven't.
Part of my problem may be stemming from not knowing whether I am configuring my usb adapter or am confirming that I will be using channel, mode, etc. of the target. Think I have read too much as much of the info I've gotten has been contradictory. Is there someplace other than man pages to find what steps wpa_supplicant is taking as it appears to be repetitive and I don't know why? Especially using -dd. Thanks again!


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