I have noticed your post in the past! Several people have asked you to not use t
he aol speak. I now am asking you to not use it.
Just a note, a lot of people from foreign countries (myself included) som
etimes don't speak English so well. It's easy to think someone is aol-speaking w
hen maybe their English isn't so good. We should all try to write clearly but no
t everyone can write on the same level.
ok if lq people are not satisfied with that(either it is aol or yahoo), then i w
then you have to forget about the grammer, spelling etc...
earlier i thought some are also using the same language, shortwords.
this lq(linuxqu..) is also a short form
Several people have asked you to not use the aol speak. I now am asking y
ou to not use it.
not many, that was not the way to correct a guy, now i
can understand i will change my language
for me posting in lq was somewhat similar to a chatting(i rarely use yahoo-messen
ger, but these shortcuts i learned from lq only ). i thought in lq community, the only language is linux. we are not following any rule.
If spelling is the problem, then use the spell check feature of LQ during the reply session.
i use the quick reply mode only (that was a great idea)
To use the aol speak makes the reading for understanding difficult.
i dont think that "Randux" had some problem in understanding my post. also in that post i only used "u" insteas of "you" and "tht" for "that". these makes things easy.
also if u can understand the bash scripts why problem in reading this??
Note: i dont know what an aol means(america online) and what it is using for?
i dont want to know that, also i learned this language from typing in lq
i am stopping the discussion on this issue here(i dont want it to be a junk thread)anyway i will consider that and in my future threads you can see that.