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Old 01-24-2014, 03:20 PM   #1
LQ Guru
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Need Advice on Pipelight Install

I am part way through a Pipelight install, mainly for the purpose of satisfying Netflix browser and Silverlight requirements.

I didn't install a useragentchanger but instead just used Firefox's "about:config" and created the proper key. This seems to be working fine.

Pipelight almost completes the diagnostic page. I get 2 errors

Silverlight (as seen by a website)
Checking for Silverlight ...failed
and, followed by what I expect is the reason

Checking if dllPath/dllname is set and exists ...failed
You need to define either a valid dllPath/dllName or regKey
/home/enorbet/.wine-pipelight/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Silverlight/5.1.20913.0//npctrl.dll
(dllPath = c:\Program Files\Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\)
(dllName = npctrl.dll)
Reading further down on the diagnostic page it seems to recommend setting a RegKey as opposed to defining as dllPath/dllname. I may have a problem with this because I already have a wine version installed. I'm aware Pipelight loads the wine sections from "/usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/" to keep them separate but if I run

I get what appears to be my own wine registry since it already contains, for example, Blizzard Entertainment keys (I play WoW on Wine). Before I jump through a bunch of backup and crucifixion/resurrection hoops, I'd prefer some advice as to how to best solve this issue without risking my existing wine install.

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter.
Old 01-24-2014, 04:11 PM   #2
Alien Bob
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What is the output of "pipelight-plugin --list-enabled" when you run it as your own user account?

Old 01-24-2014, 04:49 PM   #3
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Hello, and thank you for responding

 bash-4.2$ pipelight-plugin --list-enabled      
Old 01-24-2014, 06:00 PM   #4
Alien Bob
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That looks OK at least.
Try this:
Stop the browser.
Delete your ~/.wine-pipelight/ directory (it only contains stuff related to pipelight, your existing default wine configuration will be untouched).
Open the pipelight test URL right after you start your browser again.
You should see the Windows plugin downloads (performed by wine-pipelight) and that should cause no errors. It will take a little while to complete and during that time your browser will seem frozen.
Does this make a difference?

Did you install a "cabextract" package?

Old 01-24-2014, 07:34 PM   #5
LQ Guru
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Thanks Alien Bob but zero change. Exactly the same 2 errors. I'm not sure about the "as webpages will see it" part but I think I must resolve the "dllPath/dllname" issue to proceed.

and yes I have had cabextract for some time. I'm using "cabextract-1.3-i486-1_SBo". Is this recent enough?
Old 01-25-2014, 12:21 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Ok I think I see a problem but I'm not sure how it is to be fixed. The error refers to a dllPath/dllname like this

Checking if dllPath/dllname is set and exists ...failed
You need to define either a valid dllPath/dllName or regKey
/home/enorbet/.wine-pipelight/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Silverlight/5.1.20913.0//npctrl.dll
(dllPath = c:\Program Files\Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\)
(dllName = npctrl.dll)
and while I have "home/enorbet/.wine-pipelight/dosdevices/c:/Program Files" there is no "Silverlight" directory in it.

It was my understanding that the diagnostic page installs the plugin. Did I jump the gun somewhere and do something out of order? I followed the sequence outlined on The only deviation was using about:config to set "general.useragent.override". Originally I incorrectly chose a WinX64 string because many sites identify my CPU as opposed to my OpSys, but I have since changed that to

 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:22.0) Gecko/20130405 Firefox/22.0
I even tried letting Netflix setup the download for "Silverlight.exe" and running that in Wine and though it once said it completed successfully, it apparently did not as there is still no Silverlight directory in Program Files under wine-pipelight. Any additional help gratefully accepted.

EDIT-Update Further-

OK I am apparently still getting lots of crosstalk to my existing wine install because even though I launched "Silverlight.exe" specifically from "/usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/bin/wine" Silverlight was installed to my existing Wine as "Program Files/Microsoft Silverlight".

On a whim I copied it to the pipelight version of Program Files and renamed it to just "Silverlight" as that was what the error stated it sought. Now everything is green-lighted (so the error listed at the top of this post is no longer a fail) except for
 Silverlight (as seen by a website)
Checking for Silverlight ...failed
Am I likely to be actually getting closer? or headed down a bad path? FWIW I can now login to Netflix and everything looks normal but it asks me to install "Silverlight" so the error is accurate as to reporting. I'd like to try this even if it seems wrong so how do I change what is being reported to websites?

Last edited by enorbet; 01-25-2014 at 12:41 AM. Reason: updated
Old 01-25-2014, 05:55 AM   #7
Alien Bob
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Wine creates a base directory in your homedirectory where it installs all the Windows related stuff you want to use. By default this is ${HOME}/.wine aka ~/.wine

If you want to have multiple independant setups of wine (in your case, the 'normal' wine and the 'wine-pipelight', but you could also think about a specific Wine configuration for a single game that has other requirements than your other Windows related stuff) then you instruct Wine to use a different base directory than ~/.wine .
You do that by defining the variable WINEPREFIX. Pipelight sets the variable WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine-pipelight" which is how all the pipelight stuff gets installed in ~/.wine-pipelight .

Try setting this before running that SilverLight installe:
export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine-pipelight"
Old 01-25-2014, 06:01 AM   #8
Alien Bob
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About the installation of Silverlight and other programs through wine-pipelight: This is done when the pipelight plugin is activated for the first time. That can be triggered by several means: you can open "aboutlugins" or visit the Pipelight test page or open another page that requires the plugin (such as the Netflix page).

Old 01-25-2014, 01:45 PM   #9
LQ Guru
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Thanks again, Alien Bob, for your attention to this matter. I know your time is precious and I'm absolutely positive it is safe to speak for the entire Slackware Community that this is something very special about Slackware, that a Slackware Developer like yourself, would take the time to help what could be just one member. It gives us all confidence and pride, I think. I hope it also gives you the same.

OK back to Pipelight. I tried exporting WINEPREFIX exactly as you posted and then cd'd to "~enorbet/.wine-pipelight/drive_c/users/enorbet/Temp" in console (where I stored the "Silverlight.exe" that came from Netflix), and ran
wine ./Silverlight.exe
At first it seemed as if it was working since it asked to install Mono (again) as well as Silverlight (again) and then Gecko (for the first time, iirc). However when I look in the respective directories of Program Files, Microsoft Silverlight, Mono-2.6.7, and Mono-2.8.1 are only in "~enorbet/.wine" Program Files and NOT in "~enorbet/wine-pipelight" Program Files (Hope it is OK to shorten that long path, that you get what I mean without any confusion).

So now when I go to the Pipelight test page I am still at the same spot, where everything is green-lighted except

 Silverlight (as seen by a website)
checking for Silverlight ... failed
This is verified if I go back to Netflix, since it offers to Install Silverlight still. Since the Silverlight installation along with Mono and Gecko reports success, I think it should work if I can fix the browser, Firefox's, implementation

If I run "aboutlugins" I see the error message

 Pipelight Error (silverlight5.1)!

    Path: /usr/lib/pipelight/
    Version: 0.0
    State: Enabled
    Something went wrong, check the terminal output

MIME Type	Description	Suffixes
application/x-pipelight-error-silverlight5.1	Error during initialization	pipelighterror-silverlight5.1
Has it somehow been installed in the wrong place, or is it more likely I am still conflicting with my main Wine install? I only use wine for 2 games and occasionally 1 VOIP gaming app, Ventrillo. Commonly I use Linux native "TeamSpeak" for that. Since for some reason my configuration is not following Pipelight's roadmap for parallel wine installs, I'm wondering why mine is different and if I should consider trying to build wine-pipelight with the little I need to run those 2 games. I actually find this a rather fascinating problem and feel pretty close to a satisfying solution. I guess this confirms I must be a dyed-in-the-wool geek because this is fun

Thanks again for your help so far.
Old 01-25-2014, 03:52 PM   #10
Alien Bob
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Let's try a different approach. Did you install my binary packages, or did you compile your own versions and installed those? I am beginning to wonder if your wine-pipelight is 64-bit.

What does this return?
file /usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/bin/wine
It should return this:
/usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/bin/wine: ELF 32-bit LSB  executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
For completeness' sake, this is the Silverlight part of firefox' console output when the plugins are loaded on opening "aboutlugins":
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] attached to process.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] checking environment variable PIPELIGHT_SILVERLIGHT5_1_CONFIG.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] searching for config file pipelight-silverlight5.1.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/home/allen/.config/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/etc/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] sandbox not found or not installed!
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] GPU driver check - Your driver is supported, hardware acceleration enabled.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] using wine prefix directory /home/allen/.wine-pipelight/.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] checking plugin installation - this might take some time.
[install-dependency] wine-silverlight5.1-installer is already installed in '/home/allen/.wine-pipelight/'.
[install-dependency] wine-mpg2splt-installer is already installed in '/home/allen/.wine-pipelight/'.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] embedded mode         is on.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] windowless mode       is off.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] linux windowless mode is off.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] force SetWindow       is off.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] unity hacks           is off.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] window class hook     is on.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function CreateWindowExA.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function CreateWindowExW.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function TrackPopupMenuEx.
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function TrackPopupMenu.
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x7b8d1f87, 0x7b970118, {aa087e0e-0b35-4e28-8f3a-440c3f51eef1}, 1, 0x66f6a8, (null), (null), 0x7b970118): stub
[PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] init successful!
fixme:advapi:UnregisterTraceGuids 0: stub
And this is what the "aboutlugins" shows here for silverlight:
Silverlight Plug-In

    Path: /usr/lib/pipelight/
    Version: 5.1.20913.0
    State: Enabled

MIME Type			Description	Suffixes
application/x-silverlight	npctrl		scr

Old 01-25-2014, 05:38 PM   #11
LQ Guru
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Ok both of my wine installs were almost entirely from your slackbuilds. Only a few componenets of my main wine install were compiled from source and they all work perfectly. As far as wine-pipelight goes, I had installed cabextract much earlier as mentioned above, but these I installed just a few days ago, together

1) pipelight-
2) webcore-fonts-installer-3.0-noarch-2alien.tgz
3) wine-pipelight-1.7.11-i486-1alien.tgz

and my return is indeed as expected

 bash-4.2$ file /usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/bin/wine
/usr/libexec/wine-pipelight/bin/wine: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
Thanks for the full output from console. I have an odd error message. As you can see below, much of mine matches yours but fails on "". For some reason I do not have a "usr/lib/" . I have only (in /usr/lib) "", "" and ""

[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] attached to process.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] checking environment variable PIPELIGHT_SILVERLIGHT5_1_CONFIG.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] searching for config file pipelight-silverlight5.1.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/home/enorbet/.config/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/etc/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-silverlight5.1'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] sandbox not found or not installed!
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] GPU driver check - Your driver is supported, hardware acceleration enabled.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] using wine prefix directory /home/enorbet/.wine-pipelight/.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] checking plugin installation - this might take some time.
[install-dependency] Downloading and running wine-silverlight5.1-installer.
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[install-dependency] ERROR: Downloading failed multiple times - please check your internet connection.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Download of wine-silverlight5.1-installer failed.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] basicplugin.c:346:checkPluginInstallation(): Plugin installer did not run correctly (exitcode = 1).
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] basicplugin.c:105:attach(): plugin not correctly installed - aborting.
So Firefox is never even getting to the Microsoft Silverlight I have installed because it errors out on the wine-silverlight-installer. How can I fix this. Now I'm stumped...for a time anyway.
Old 01-25-2014, 05:44 PM   #12
Alien Bob
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I guess there you have your culprit.
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[install-dependency] ERROR: Downloading failed multiple times - please check your internet connection.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Download of wine-silverlight5.1-installer failed.
Zenity is not part of Slackware, so you probably installed it from and forgot to upgrade/recompile it when you upgraded to a new Slackware version with a newer version of libnotify.
Pipelight prefers to use zenity if it finds the program installed. Unfortunately for you, zenety is broken on your computer and therefore the Wine installations which want to paint a dialog box on your screen fail.

Remove zenity, remove the directory ~/.wine-pipelight and restart your browser. See what happens.

Old 01-25-2014, 06:48 PM   #13
LQ Guru
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Bingo Baby!
Naturally that did it and the payoff is perfect. Netflix streams like it was on cable tv, except I have a much better sound system on my PC, LOL. Nothin' quite like a recording quality sound card through a 600 watt 12' Subwoofer, w/ 300 watts on satellites w/ 8.5" Midrange and Ribbon Tweets! WooHOO!

Plus, my main Wine still works perfectly as well. I'm a very happy man.... all thanks to Alien Bob, and what some M$ FUD Flunky recently referred to on TechRadar as "the miserable world of Linux terminal commands". Oh yes! I am SO miserable I hope you're smiling as big as me, Alien Bob. Dankuwel!

PS I must've installed zenity a long time ago as some dependency since I have no recollection why I had it. Just to be complete, I suppose I should install the latest to keep it all shiny.

Last edited by enorbet; 01-25-2014 at 06:50 PM. Reason: add PS


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