Recently i took the step to use Linux and after some reading i went for Slack. And i like it.
Now i try to set up ProFTP and i ran into a problem.
#ls /mnt/harddiskE
dir1 dir2
#ls /mnt/harddiskG
dir3 dir4
I'd like to mount all of the above to /home/ftp. Since FTP users are chrooted into this dir the only way i found to mount the above dir's into /home/ftp is by using:
# mount --bind /mnt/harddiskE /home/ftp
# mount --bind /mnt/harddiskG /home/ftp
That's nice, but it doesn't work. It seems that the latter mount supersedes the first so only dir3 and dir4 are accessible on the FTP. Only when i umount /mnt/harddiskG the first 2 dir's are accessible.
So, is there a way to mount all 4 dir's to /home/ftp ? I'd like to see:
# ls /home/ftp
dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4
Hope someone can help me out here.
edit: typo