Hello again
Yes I know that, Didier, and that's sort of OK for USB disks because, although it isn't often practical to give them a persistent label, the do have UUIDs. So it is possible to workaround that way, and I probably will do that even though I don't like UUIDs. I much prefer Labels. Those can actually mean something to me at a glance. Does anyone know why udev cannot, or was not designed, to assign permanent, or even semi-permanent devices?
This won't work for optical drives however. AFAIK they don't have UUIDs and finding a label that udisks will support is rather trial and error. Some distros use "udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules" but I don't think that works in Slackware and I'm not sure I want it to since it apparently is auto-generated and like UUID, not meaningful to humans.
I started this thread hoping someone had a udisks2 rule that could sort this out. It's looking like I may have to wait until a fork solves this crazy inconsistency, and just resort to clunky workarounds till then.