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Old 08-05-2005, 07:49 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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MonoDevelop and KDevelop Help

Hey guys! A few questions that some of you might actually be able to take care of for me (or at least point me in the right direction). I need to have an IDE for C++, C# and VB. Looking through some of the IDEs, I see that KDevelop is great for C++, and MonoDevelop is great for the .NET framework. However, I see that mono is only on rpm packages for SuSE and FedoraCore. I don't feel like going through and dloading those files, doing gzip to unzip, doing installpkg xxxx, then finding where the installation was. Is there a MonoDevelop Slackware package already developed? I found a Brazilian website that had it for Dropline Gnome 2.6, but I'm running KDE (not sure if this will cause problems). So, I installed every file that was listed, but have no clue where it was installed. So I guess a question at this point, is: How do I know where my stuff gets installed to? That is one thing that is perplexing about Linux package installations. With Windows, you get to choose your directory where you install it, and when you install it, it will place an icon on your desktop, and place a quick link on the 'Start' bar. Is this function even available in Linux?

Next problem: I installed KDevelop, but am generating errors. I can load the KDevelop workspace fine. When I create a new project, it crashes, and won't create my project. Therefore, I cannot compile any source code that I create in a .cpp file. Do I need to do removepkg xxxxx and remove that package? I really want to get these IDEs working. The company I work with does C#, VB, HTML, CSS, ASP, ADO, SQL, C++, etc. programming. Our focus however, is in the .NET framework. A coworker said that if I can get .NET to work on Linux, we would switch to Linux instead of Microsoft. But, I need this working.

Any suggestions?

Old 08-05-2005, 10:49 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Akron, OH
Distribution: Slackware 14.2-stable, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
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For Mono, simply use the binary installer, located here ...

However, know that Mono currently supports C#. VB.NET is in the works, I think, but it'll be a while before it is fully supported like C# currently is.
Old 08-06-2005, 12:34 AM   #3
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I still have to download other packages, right? Or do I just download that installer, and it will grab the necessary files and install them?
Old 08-06-2005, 07:29 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
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As the name "installer.bin" name implies, it installs it all.
Old 08-06-2005, 04:43 PM   #5
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NetBeans and Eclipse are Java based IDEs that support most of the languages, yet not all the frameworks and platforms you mention. But there is a C# plugin available for Eclipse and C++ is said to be very well supported in NetBeans.

NetBeans is much more mature than Eclipse, but the latter has huge industry and Open Source community support.

Both are productive tools, provided your machine isn't too low-spec to run Java apps. BTW, while Eclipse is much faster than NetBeans on Windows, thanks to SWT, the Swing based NetBeans is much more responsive on Linux.

My favourite IDE is VIM, BTW. ;-)

Old 08-06-2005, 04:47 PM   #6
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Re: MonoDevelop and KDevelop Help

Originally posted by pandorazbox
So, I installed every file that was listed, but have no clue where it was installed. So I guess a question at this point, is: How do I know where my stuff gets installed to? That is one thing that is perplexing about Linux package installations. With Windows, you get to choose your directory where you install it, and when you install it, it will place an icon on your desktop, and place a quick link on the 'Start' bar. Is this function even available in Linux?
Placing a icon and all that depends on the package, it's likely that package would create one but for GNome desktop.
To see the files a package installed, just go to /var/log/packages and open with a editor (or use less) the file that has the package name, it will show you the list of installed files.
Old 08-09-2005, 08:08 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
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Well, I got MonoDevelop and KDevelop to install, but none of them work. KDevelop crashes when I try to create a new project, and MonoDevelop just won't load. MonoDevelop installs to /opt/mono-, but I'm unsure how to get this working. I click the little hammer icon (titled MonoDevelop.Desktop), the hammer shows up beside my cursor, but goes away and IDE. KDevelop loads, but as I stated before, it will not create a project. Can anyone help me get this working? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Old 08-09-2005, 08:31 AM   #8
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Akron, OH
Distribution: Slackware 14.2-stable, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
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Try starting MonoDevelop from the command line (look for the correct command inside the MonoDevelop.Desktop file). This may give you some additional feedback as to why it looks like it is starting, but then doesn't.
Old 08-10-2005, 08:18 AM   #9
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Well, I reinstalled Slackware (had a ton of programs on it that I just wanted off of there and didn't feel like doing 'removepkg'), and didn't realize it came with KDevelop as standard. Though this is ver. 3.1 and the newest is 3.2, I guess it isn't a major revision, so I can deal with it until a major revision is done to KDevelop.

After I reinstalled Slack, I installed the MonoDevelop.bin file, and it installed successfully. However, it still will not open. So I tried to start it from command line, and it said that my path wasn't set in MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME. I've done some research on the internet, and it looks like this is a common problem. I'm assuming that I just need to set my path to where Mozilla 1.7 is installed. One thing that is uncertain though....where exactly is MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME? Is this set in bashrc?


Old 08-10-2005, 08:57 AM   #10
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Akron, OH
Distribution: Slackware 14.2-stable, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
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Mike --

You are very close now ... I remember having this problem as well. Here is what I did to solve the problem...

I created a script inside the /home/tnoe/mono-1.1.x/bin folder (this is where I installed Mono) called monodevelop-start. The contents of the monodevelop-start script are as follows ...


# First export the right directory
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/bin/mozilla

# And now start MonoDevelop

Thus to start MonoDevelop, I invoke monodevelop-start instead of just monodevleop. Note that once you create this script file, you will have to make it executable by issuing ...

$chmod a+x monodevelop-start

Good luck!
Old 08-16-2005, 01:21 PM   #11
LQ Newbie
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Sorry for not responding in a very long time. I had to do some things with work that required a trip to Ohio. I successfully got MonoDevelop working by doing the script. However, I get a ton of warning messages in the Shell whenever the program loads. Is this common with Slackware, or am I missing something? I cannot name all of them, but most are related to Gtk+. Will this affect my programs being built?

Oh, thanks for the help, Tino27.


Old 12-15-2005, 04:41 AM   #12
Registered: Dec 2003
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U asked 2* where stored. Use sudo find / -iname "*xxx*"

You asked twice where linux was storing things. The path is different
on differend distros.

To find exerywhere mono appears in a file name or folder
Use sudo find / -iname "*mono*"
Iname ignores case in the name.
For big programs things are often stored in
bin sbin usr lib and maybe also in etc

You said you wanted to do VB and other things for your company.
SharpDevelop is suppossed to let you write in boo and translate/generate
VB, C# and other language programs.

Last edited by suguru; 12-15-2005 at 04:44 AM.
Old 12-19-2005, 08:19 AM   #13
LQ Newbie
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Well, we develop in Visual Studio .NET 2003, soon to be 2005. Unfortunately, the cost for the MSDN subscription has escalated, and we were thinking of not renewing. But, as we are an integration company and need to develop for Microsoft only products (as a majority of PCs in the Industrial Automation realm are), we decided to stay with Visual Studio .NET for office use. However, I use SharpDevelop at home on my Windows PC. I don't think SharpDevelop is for Linux though, if I'm not mistaken. Hence the reason why I was looking at MonoDevelop for the .NET architecture on Linux.

I guess that is one frustration. Microsoft wants to have MS only products, and releases MS only development tools and architectures, without thinking of the userbase as a whole. It is true that 90% of the PCs on the market are Windows based. However, there are many many servers which are other operating systems (such as Solaris, Linux, OS/2, etc). To me, it is just insane that MS doesn't at least support a runtime for Linux that can at least manipulate the .NET architecture, and release tools to integrate other operating systems into that framework. But hey...I'm no Bill Gates.
Old 12-19-2005, 11:47 AM   #14
Registered: Dec 2003
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Can you develop in Boo on MonoDevelop & translate to VB?

Can you develop in Boo on MonoDevelop & translate to VB on .Net?
Some programmers say this is possible and desirable.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:22 PM   #15
LQ Newbie
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Well, I'm sure there are ways to convert Boo code into VB.NET. I'm not sure if or how it can be done though.


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