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tr4nce 03-16-2003 09:32 PM

Need help installing a Cdrom drive
First at all

I downloaded and installed Slackware-9.0rc3 from a Hard Disk Partition, so the setup program didnīt recognize any cdrom drive...

So... How do i do to install my Drive? its a HP-Cdwriter

i had RedHat7.3 and itīs works fine (cdrom drive), but now, i donīt know how to make it works

plz backup thx :)

pd: another question how do i do to make Group īuserī can see the fat32 partition that i have mounted on /mnt/win, because i log in as Root and everything is fine, but when i log as tr4nce (regular user) the directory is empty. I already tried to mounted as root on another directory, but no luck :(

As u can see i am from Argentina, so my english sux :p

Excalibur 03-16-2003 10:00 PM

We will need to know some specs in regard to your CDROM drive and what kernel you are booting. Is the problem reading and writing or just writing? What device are you attempting to use, like /dev/cdrom or the real device detected by the kernel?

In regard to the fat32 mount issue, I think if you use the option umask=000 it will solve the problem. In your /etc/fstab add a mount point like;

/dev/hda1 /mnt/win vfat defaults,umask=000 0 0

This umask will open (rwx) the mount point to ALL users owner, group and world.

ranger_nemo 03-16-2003 10:06 PM

Both problems should be fixed by editting the /etc/fstab file. It is a text file that tells the system what drives / partitions are normally present. It also has some control over who can mount / umount the drives / partitions.

For the CD-drive, you will need to know what position it is on the IDE controller...

Primary Master = hda
Primary Slave = hdb
Secondary Master = hdc
Secondary Slave = hdd

The hdX is the how Linux knows which device it is. If you know which it is off-hand, then you can make a link to it to make it easier...

ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdrom

If you don't know which device it is now, then we can figure it out later.

You will also need a directory to which you will mount the CD. Usually, it's /mnt/cdrom . Create the directory if it doesn't exist...

mkdir /mnt/cdrom
chmod 0777 /mnt/cdrom

When you have that set-up, then you can try mounting. Put in a data CD and try...

mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

If you didn't make the link above, try hdb, hdc, and hdd instead of the cdrom in the last command, until you find the one that works. Then, unmount with...

umount /mnt/cdrom

Take note that there is no N between the U and the M in the command umount. When you know which device your CD drive is, then you can make the link above. And then, you can add an entry to your fstab to allow users to mount / unmount the drive. Add the line...

/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,users,ro 0 0

After that is added, any user on the system can mount / unmount with the commands...

mount /mnt/cdrom
umount /mnt/cdrom

As for the Windows partition, there should already be an entry in the /etc/fstab that points to it. You might need to add the users option to it like in the CD entry. You might also need to change the permissions of the /mnt/win directory. If the users option doesn't help, try the chmod command from above replacing the /mnt/cdrom with /mnt/win . Be sure the Windows partition isn't mounted when you run the chmod command. You should then be able to mount / unmount it just like the two CD commands above.

tr4nce 03-17-2003 12:24 PM

i get this

root@localhost:/mnt/cdrom# ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
ln: `/dev/cdrom': File exists
root@localhost:/mnt/cdrom# mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
/dev/cdrom: Input/output error
mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only
/dev/cdrom: Input/output error
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
what should i do, still doesn't work :(

EDIT... i am currently running KDE3.1, when I went to Gnome, the cdrom Works :confused: , so... ok, what should i configure to make my cdrom works under KDE???

ranger_nemo 03-17-2003 12:29 PM

Well, if the /dev/cdrom already exists, then it might be set up already. Post your /etc/fstab so we can take a look.

tr4nce 03-17-2003 12:32 PM

ranger_nemo, i put gnome and my cdrom works (:))

but now, in KDE still doesn't work?

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