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chess 07-05-2013 08:01 AM

You are seriously hosing your system. Use removepkg to remove all those packages you have listed there. Then, I would suggest that you stop using slapt-get and use the scripts from the SlackBuilds project to build third party packages you might need. For MATE, just use the scripts from the MATE SlackBuilds project to build the packages yourself, or manually download and install the binaries.

IMHO, the vast majority of Slackware users do not use slapt-get and I would suggest that you learn how to use Slackware without it.

lensilvan 07-06-2013 12:24 AM

Ok, I have removed all packages from slapt-get, removed MATE and reinstalled it successfully through the Slackbuilds.
Before, I tried Xfce and I found out that my issue about shutdown/reboot still occurs, therefore it is not an issue related directly to MATE. This issue is still there with the MATE reinstall. This is a persistent aggressive problem.

Also when I go somewhere to the 'Places' menu , a window appears:

'Cervisia' This is not a CVS folder. If you don't have the intention to use Cervisia, you can change view mode in Konkeror.
In fact, I have also installed with slackpkg KDE related packages, being afraid that if I don't install everything, some dependencies will go missing. How to force MATE to use Caja to open my folders, instead of Cervisia? Caja works if I try to go from the desktop.

chess 07-06-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by lensilvan (Post 4985048)
How to force MATE to use Caja to open my folders, instead of Cervisia? Caja works if I try to go from the desktop.

From the KNOWN_ISSUES.TXT document:


Mon Jun 10 03:09:28 UTC 2013
If you are encountering problems with Caja (MATE's file manager) opening
directories when clicking on files in certain programs like Dropbox, Skype,
and others, the problem is that xdg-open (part of Slackware's xdg-utils
package) does not recognize the MATE desktop and therefore defaults to opening
the directories in Firefox. Fixes for this have been committed to xdg-utils
upstream development in Git but for now, we must apply a patch to xdg-open and
add some xdg-mime default handlers.

First, as a root user, back up /usr/bin/xdg-open and then apply the
xdg-open.patch from msb/testing/xdg-utils:

patch -p0 /usr/bin/xdg-open < /location/of/xdg-open.patch

Then, as your regular user, first back up the following file:
$HOME/.local/share/applications/defaults.list and then enter the next two
commands in a terminal to set the default handler:

xdg-mime default caja-folder-handler.desktop inode/directory
xdg-mime default caja-folder-handler.desktop application/x-directory

You should be all set. Thanks to Totoro-kun and T3slider for reporting and
discussing this in the LQ forums and also thanks to Giorgos Keramidas for
creating the initial patch. Here is a link to the LQ thread which also has a
link to Giorgos's blog with the patch:

lensilvan 07-07-2013 03:11 AM

It works now. Finally a success.
But how to make shutwdown/reboot working? I have observed this issue on xfce too. Maybe, I should create a new thread since this issue is not limited to MATE.

willysr 07-07-2013 12:02 PM

i don't see any problem with shutdown/reboot on my machine nor my build machine
can you tell us in more detail about your problem?

lensilvan 07-07-2013 11:32 PM

Here is the summary of my strange case:
I tried also Xfce, showing that this issue is not limited to MATE:

willysr 07-08-2013 12:31 AM

There's a chance that some default Slackware packages were overridden by the third party repository that you used with slapt-get. My suggestion will be reinstall all packages in Slackware64-14.0 stock using this command

slackpkg reinstall slackware64

lensilvan 07-08-2013 03:33 AM

Ok, fine, everything is solved now.;)

Broker824 08-10-2013 05:30 AM

I installed a fresh Slackware 14.0 64-bit, and after I installed Mate 1.6.1. from Willy repo
Unfortunately, some applets do not work, such as
- Window Selector
- Window List
- Workspaces Switcher
- Sticky Notes
- Show Desktop

Everything else works pretty well.

Please Help.

Broker824 08-10-2013 06:44 AM

Problem with applet is solved.
I compiled all the packages (base/extra/testing) and missed package libmatewnck.

Now everything is OK all applets work well.

chess 08-10-2013 10:42 PM

You need to fetch all of our binary packages (I suggest doing: lftp -c 'open ; mirror x86_64') and then first go into base/ and run installpkg on all the *.txz packages there first and then do the same in extra/. If you do that, everything will install and run fine. If you forgot to install libmatewnck then certainly some of the packages won't work.

You can also pull the git repo and use our '' and '' scripts to build and install everything in the right order.

Broker824 08-11-2013 04:45 AM

Yes, first time I installed and forgot to package libmatewnck.
I later all packages build from git repo with scripts '' and ''.
Now everything works great. :)

Thank You!

hpfeil 08-29-2013 10:07 AM

I recently learned that the correct pronunciation of MATE does not rhyme with "date", it rhymes with that beverage made from expresso and steamed milk, latte. "Mah-tay"

I use XFCE, but I don't like the text editor, postscript file viewer, or image viewer. Mate-calc, mate-document-viewer, mate-image-viewer, and mate-text-editor all work fine. Of course I still use Okular for pdf's, but I'm trying to wean myself from all that kde bloat that drags in. Wonder why kde and ynome packages do not compile by themselves, but need an entire development tree, no doubt the result of groupware. Would that I were smart enough to make the kde packages I like depend only on Qt and the gnome packages depend only on GTK. But I digress.

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