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Old 08-11-2013, 07:31 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 372

Rep: Reputation: 1
Make a flip movie

I have a video from which I want to extract a series of frames.
The action is about 3 sec. long and would like to extract every 10th or 5th frame. As I understand it, players fiddle the video output to correspond to the audio and that is OK. So if I use mplayer should I use -ss to start the sequence of extractions or is it -edlstart?
If I specify fps 30 will mplayer force 30 frames per second output or will it be whatever was used to create the original file?
May I use any other output format type other than JPEG? Which?
Is there an easy way to extract the frames? Everything I seen that looks like what I want from mplayer seems to be in sec not "sec.fraction". I looked into delay and that does not seem feasible.
Is there a way with mplayer to stipulate every 5th/10th frame whether invented to hold to a set fps or not?
There is a lot of web stuff about selecting an initial frame or a set of frames and then choosing manually but I would like this to be automatic as I may need to replicate several such scenes. I wish to use mplayer exclusively.
Old 08-11-2013, 05:11 PM   #2
Registered: May 2007
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 288

Rep: Reputation: 155Reputation: 155
Try using the 'framestep' filter.

The following will save every thirtieth frame starting ten minutes into the file (until twenty .png files have been produced):
mplayer -nosound -ss 0:10:00 -vf framestep=30 -frames 20 -vo png input.avi
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Old 08-11-2013, 08:14 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 372

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 1
Thanks very much!! I had looked at framestep but it seemed like it was possibly for other purposes. Sure wish the man page was clearer. I have looked at several purported tutorials over the years and have been dismayed at their low level. Again thanks.


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