I set up a home mail server, simpley I want to recivive incoming mails and send outgoing, but I reached a snag, I can send the emails but cant recivie from major emails hosts such as (hotmail,gmail etc)
this is the transcript i am getting back from gmail,
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 550 Host unknown)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 5.1.2 <wolf@dogcub.be>... Host unknown (Name server: nicewolf.info: host not found)
Final-Recipient: RFC822; wolf@nicewolf.info
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.2
Remote-MTA: DNS; nicewolf.info
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Host unknown
Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 00:24:41 +0100
I located the problem, for somthing reason, Gmail then trys to send it to
wolf@nicewolf.info which was my old domain name I registerd with it when I installed slackware, but now it should be *@dogcub.be which its all setup for (Ip etc.) but some reason it still thinks its nicewolf.info, I tryed just about everything, I beeen through netconfig again, Changed Hostname, Made my own dns named file, and just out a luck can anybody show me or direct me whats wrong? I am currently using slackware 10.1
Thanks - Regard Dave