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Old 03-26-2014, 12:33 PM   #1
Gerard Lally
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Registered: Sep 2009
Location: Leinster, IE
Distribution: Slackware, NetBSD
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Logitech G5 mouse lacks precision

Just a minor problem but it does bug me: my Logitech G5 USB mouse does not work as well in Slackware (14.1 amd64) as it does in Windows (XP, 7 and 8.1). I can't describe what exactly is wrong but it just doesn't feel right. It seems jerky and imprecise. I haven't made any changes to xorg.conf, and the kernel I am running is the default generic kernel that comes with 14.1. Video card is an old ATI Radeon 4350 and I'm using the stock kernel driver for that.

Sorry to be so vague, but perhaps somebody else has had this problem and might be able to suggest some changes that would make a difference. Failing that, I am open to hearing recommendations for a new mouse that does work well in Slackware.

Edit: I should add that it has never worked as well in Linux as it does in Windows. It's not just Slackware 14.1 that has this problem. In Windows I use the native drivers, not those supplied by Logitech.

Last edited by Gerard Lally; 03-26-2014 at 12:38 PM.
Old 03-26-2014, 02:29 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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What you're looking for is the "xinput" command. It works in all Linux. Rather than show a lot of text here I suggest you see this answer -

and perhaps google or otherwise research the "xinput" command.

I'm not dodging you but rather assuming that you bought a gaming mouse for a reason. I did too. I have a Razer DeathAdder and I can get even better response in Linux than I can in Windows with only one exception. On-the-fly senstivity change buttons that some mice have I'm pretty sure require the manufacturer's driver. I suppose it is possible to bind scripts to mouse buttons but I've never tried it. Anyway, mouse settings are very personal so I think it's best if you discover what works best for you. You just needed the proper command to do it and it's syntax.
Old 03-26-2014, 04:42 PM   #3
Registered: May 2013
Posts: 89

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
You probably want mousepoll.


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