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inukaze 05-22-2022 10:24 PM

liveslak & customization
Hi there, long time with no post on here XD

Well in resume the before proyect i had make with Slakcware 14.2 is dead because HardDiskDrive with every single sector corrupted

Trying to reading the article of liveslak ->

For make from the Scratch i had the follow dunno :
1 - i can start make my own version directly on Live mode? or i need install the Slackware liveslak version to start make my own version ?

2 - For Slackware 15.0 Full Common Installation, what is the partition size recommended 20GB / 40 GB , etc ?

That are my dunno right now (because i lost the older dunnos i had write on a txt file :v)

--------------------You can ignore the follow text --------------------------------

But well i want to make my own version of Slackware 15.0 is just for personal use i need make the follow

first create from scratch if posible from stage 0, just for i had the security nothing of dependences for thing like pulseaudio, avahi and/or systemd was generated

/boot -> inside the «boot» folder/partition ever had ".Base32" ".Base64" Folder, and there put the most esential files first for chroot in ".Base32" of 32 Bits and in ".Base64" things of 64 Bits native.

and basically add things like :
joe -> Text Editor
nano -> Text Editor

dhcpclient -> for enable internet access manually just in case i just reach "initramfs"[well i need learn which things i should i can do there, to access to chroot to /boot]

links2 -> web browser (with framebuffer video access by default if neccesary i put some package content like v86d)

dmidecode -> for get hardware important information like memory ram size limit, type, machine serial, etc . . .

fsck and all modules like fsck.ext2, fsck.ntfs, etc . . .


mc -> File Browser (and fish)
openssh (server & client)

in the image viewer i don't dedice yet if "fim" / "feh" / "tiv" (Terminal Image Viewer), or ranger (Ranger File Manager)

lspci -> for list pci devices
lshw -> for list hardware components

mpd + ncmpcpp -> Music Player Daemon + Textual User Interface

xhost (just in case i had repaired system coherence and i need to run graphical apps from remote ssh)

and well that is just because i prefer had on my boot partition a minimal tools for

A) Try to fix the configuration file (joe / nano)
B) Try to fix system file coherence (fsck)
C) Sometimes i need access to internet (dhcpclient / links2)
D) Sometimes i just need access via ssh to get some file (ssh) E) For make more ease i use a file browser (mc)
F) Just a few music file on /boot for hear with mpd meanwhile i solve problems

for me that tools must exist on /boot partition just in case i can't mount directly the root partition and in boot architectures binary files

Well that is the most important customization for me
after i can put that on a Slackware Live, i continue with the Graphical Mode

Slackware 15.0 had Wayland or X.Org by default ?

0XBF 05-22-2022 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by inukaze (Post 6355678)
For make from the Scratch i had the follow dunno :
1 - i can start make my own version directly on Live mode? or i need install the Slackware liveslak version to start make my own version ?

It sounds like you are talking about creating an iso with, which is a script that comes with liveslak. Generally youd want to run that from a fast slackware machine, not from a running slackware live instance. The script generates an iso, so you'll have to copy it to the usb after anyways.


Originally Posted by inukaze (Post 6355678)
2 - For Slackware 15.0 Full Common Installation, what is the partition size recommended 20GB / 40 GB , etc ?

This depends on your planned use. The slackware live 15.0 iso is just over 4GB, so I can fit it on a 8GB and have some room for persistance to spare. I am not installing other software though, or writing many new files to the usb. If I were going for long term use and building up files and adding software I'd probably go for a bigger stick like 32GB or higher.

I know you said to ignore the rest (why'd you post it?), but this bit stood out to me and made me think you might not understand what liveslak does.

Originally Posted by inukaze (Post 6355678)
But well i want to make my own version of Slackware 15.0 is just for personal use i need make the follow

first create from scratch if posible from stage 0, just for i had the security nothing of dependences for thing like pulseaudio, avahi and/or systemd was generated

liveslak does not build packages from source, it just installs them from binary package format, as they are supplied in the slackware package tree. If you choose not to install pulseaudio, well the other packages were still compiled with pulse. You'd have to customize by rebuilding everything that depended on it, and that is more work than just running a liveslak script. Also avahi and systemd are not in slackware, so you have nothing to worry about there.

inukaze 05-22-2022 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by 0XBF (Post 6355680)
liveslak does not build packages from source, it just installs them from binary package format, as they are supplied in the slackware package tree. If you choose not to install pulseaudio, well the other packages were still compiled with pulse. You'd have to customize by rebuilding everything that depended on it, and that is more work than just running a liveslak script. Also avahi and systemd are not in slackware, so you have nothing to worry about there.

i still worry about Pulseaudio, just for not had any dependence i said before, well if necesary i build all from scratch just for i just stay secure, i don't had problems with that, the unique packages i know can take a lot on my machine building from sources are things like "QT" with qt5.12 take 107 Hours to compile and need 40GB disk free to compile all modules that framework use, and like 2GB for the installation.

Well i write the part after "You can ignore this" because is just for the people ask why i want to make my own version and what ideas i had planned to apply for my version, because on forums of anothers distros like gentoo, many people start to ask things like that when you don't share what are you planning for a personal live version from the start.

i need a guide for dummy creating a customized slackware live XD, well if i create a functional iso, i wrote my own version of guide on spanish

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