Hello folks, hoping some of you smart guys/girls out there can help me out, again.
Well my latest setup is 2 1T drives, sda and sdb. sdb is basically a mirror of sda. My 'master plan' is to use sda as a working system and sdb is just a copy/mirror. Both have Slack 14.1 installed on them and every day a script is run to copy over files from sda to sdb. So, if sdb dies, I have a an exact working,bootable copy on sda and visa-versa. Each drive has an unencrypted /boot and encrypted /.
Why not use raid, well without going into details some would say raid is not a backup solution (delete or hose A and you imediately delete/hose B). Niether, some would say, are two sepparate drives in the same box, but we digress.
So the problem. How to setup lilo to boot either drive? (No, come on, I don't want to start learning all about grub. Lilo is simple file edit)
This is my lilo.conf at the moment:
image = /boot/vmlinuz-generic-smp-3.10.17-smp
label = "Slack"
root = /dev/slackcrypto
initrd = /boot/initrd-sda.gz
image = /boot/vmlinuz-generic-smp-3.10.17-smp
label = "Slack_Backup"
root = /dev/slackcrypto_backup
initrd = /boot/initrd-sdb.gz
I made both intitrds on each drive straight after installion and copied over initrd-sdb.gz to sda /boot partion. Then to run lilo I booted up Slack (sda) unlocked sdb2's encrypted root partition, vgscan --mknodes, vgscan -ay and ran lilo, without any complaints.
Reboot, at Lilo choose Slack_Backup and then get errors from luks: (sda/Slack, boots fine)
Unlocking LUKS encrypted device /dev/sdb2 as luks mapped device '';
Usage: blah, blah............
/sbin/cryptsetup: luksOpen: requires <device> <name> as arguments
mount: mounting /dev/mapper/ on /mnt failed: Block device required.
ERROR: NO /sbin/init found on root dev................
Obviously cryptsetup is not getting all the information it requires. So what have I missed, done wrong or need to try?
As always, thanks in advance for all suggestions and help.
Oh and as an aside, without a vpn, linuxquestions takes an age to load from China as it stalls waiting for 'ajax.googleapis.com' :-(