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Old 07-03-2004, 02:06 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 351

Rep: Reputation: 30
Lilo.conf issues - Memory Mapping

Well, I ALMOST have my Slack box up and running how I like it. I fixed a couple of issues I had early on. Thanks to the kind folks in this forum, I am a happy camper. Here are my questions:

1- What is the best way to install flash-player. I downloaded the tar ball from macromedia and ran the installer, but it didn't update Mozilla 1.7 properly.

2- I MUST use custom memory mapping in order to use a 256MB chip in my machine. The manual says that the max is 128M, BUT I managed to use mem mapping in Fedora and get the 256MB chip working. I know I need to put an "append=" line in my lilo.conf file, BUT I don't think LILO is checking that file. I tried changing Lilo to say "Slackware 10.0" instead of "Linux" in the menu. It didn't work. I tried changing the timeout time from 1200 to 100, but that failed as well. What am I doing wrong.

Thanks for helping this
Old 07-03-2004, 02:35 PM   #2
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1) Copy the files manually to /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7/plugins and you should be done
2) I guess you already tried running: lilo at the prompt to save the changes on lilo.conf, so i dunno what else can be...

EDIT: 1) the files you must copy are: flashplayer.xpt and

Last edited by gbonvehi; 07-03-2004 at 02:38 PM.
Old 07-04-2004, 09:46 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
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I still can't get mem mapping to work. I tried google-ing my problem and I found a variety of websites that show how to edit the lilo.conf file with an append line. It also showed how to test to make sure the command will work by doing the following at the boot prompt

boot: linux mem=320M

(Note: I'm trying to detect 320MB of RAM)

Well, this line did NOT work at the boot prompt nor did the "append=" equivalent. When I used Fedora I edited my grub.conf and added something like

mem=exactmap mem="hexequivalent of 640K" mem="hexequivalent of 319MB"

Everytime I booted my Fedora machine, I could type "free -m" and it would show the memory detected.

What am I missing?? I would REALLY like to have another 128MB of RAM.


Happy 4th of July!!
Old 07-04-2004, 02:16 PM   #4
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Well, why don't you install Grub so you can make it work?
Old 07-04-2004, 03:52 PM   #5
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: California - home of Slackware
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by tubatodd
[B]I still can't get mem mapping to work. I tried google-ing my problem and I found a variety of websites that show how to edit the lilo.conf file with an append line. It also showed how to test to make sure the command will work by doing the following at the boot prompt

boot: linux mem=320M

(Note: I'm trying to detect 320MB of RAM)

Well, this line did NOT work at the boot prompt nor did the "append=" equivalent. When I used Fedora I edited my grub.conf and added something like

mem=exactmap mem="hexequivalent of 640K" mem="hexequivalent of 319MB"

Everytime I booted my Fedora machine, I could type "free -m" and it would show the memory detected.

What am I missing?? I would REALLY like to have another 128MB of RAM.

How much RAM do you really physically have? If you have under 4 Gigs, I don't think you have to do anything.

The lilo.conf line: ``append "mem=320M"`` was for older lilo version, where you had to tell the lilo loader how much memory you had when you had more than 64 Megs (later increased to 128 Megs, and finally the limit moved to a really large number).

(This is written on a box that has 512 Meg of RAM, like all my other boxes and there is no "append" statement in any of my linux boxes. Further, 'free' shows exactly that.)
Old 07-04-2004, 04:00 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2003
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Re: Lilo.conf issues - Memory Mapping

Originally posted by tubatodd
2- I MUST use custom memory mapping in order to use a 256MB chip in my machine. The manual says that the max is 128M, BUT I managed to use mem mapping in Fedora and get the 256MB chip working. I know I need to put an "append=" line in my lilo.conf file, BUT I don't think LILO is checking that file. I tried changing Lilo to say "Slackware 10.0" instead of "Linux" in the menu. It didn't work. I tried changing the timeout time from 1200 to 100, but that failed as well. What am I doing wrong.
gbonvehi kinda hinted at this but didn't come out and say it. It sounds like you aren't updating lilo after you change the lilo.conf file. After making any changes to the lilo.conf file, then run (as root):

/sbin/lilo -t
and assuming there aren't any errors

Hope this helps
Old 07-04-2004, 10:29 PM   #7
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
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re: gbonvehi

I decided to go with LILO since that is the default for Slackware.

re: HuMJohn

I HAVE TO do a mem map in order to get 320MB. Ya see, the manual says that the maximum memory chips size you can add to the system is 128MB (maxing out the TOTAL RAM as 192MB). I read on the net that I could actually get the machine to recognize a 256MB chip (making the TOTAL RAM be 320MB). When I boot the machine WITHOUT mem mapping, it only recognizes the 64MB that is on board. In order to get the chip to work I have to tell Linux what the ACTUAL memory size is. This is a bit of a hack.

re: j3ff3r

I didn't know that I needed to do lilo -t in order to save changes. I figured that editing the file would be enough. Whoops! After running "lilo -t" why do I need to run "lilo" again? This may be a stupid question, but does it matter what init level I am at? Should I boot to level 3, make changes, do lilo -t and then restart (in level 3 or 4)?
Old 07-04-2004, 10:45 PM   #8
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Editing the file is not enough, you must run: lilo (yeap, "lilo" as root) to save the changes you've done in your lilo.conf file. Running: lilo -t will test your configuration to see if anything is ok, it won't write your boot sector. You can use that before running lilo (without arguments) to test if your conf file is ok.
Old 07-04-2004, 11:04 PM   #9
Registered: Jun 2003
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Originally posted by gbonvehi
Editing the file is not enough, you must run: lilo (yeap, "lilo" as root) to save the changes you've done in your lilo.conf file. Running: lilo -t will test your configuration to see if anything is ok, it won't write your boot sector. You can use that before running lilo (without arguments) to test if your conf file is ok. I understand. "lilo -t" tests the configuration for errors and "lilo" as root saves the changes to the system.
Old 07-05-2004, 03:26 PM   #10
Registered: Jun 2003
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I hope everyone had a very happy July 4th! I ate a lot of food, played swimming pool baseball (I won the game by 6 runs) and tried configuring my wife's aunt's new wireless home network. Windows XP and I do NOT get a long!

In any event, I just got around to configuring my lilo.conf file and thanks to the folks who read my post, I now have my memory mapped properly. I sure like having 320MB vs 192MB.

Thanks again!


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