Originally Posted by BroX
Should libffi-compat32 be added to the files needed to run a multilib system? Or did I miss something? I use compat32pkg to keep my multilib up to date.
I noticed in the boot messages during the " Updating [gtk/pango-stuff] for i486-slackware-linx" steps that libffi.so could not be found. Converting and installing the 32bit version solved it.
$ grep libffi /etc/compat32pkg/multilib-32bit-packages.lst
When a compat32 package is missing, you can add its basename (libffi in this case) into /etc/compat32pkg/multilib-32bit-packages.lst. It will be automatically reported as
a new package by compat32pkg at the next "--list-updates layer-32" , and so, will be installed at the "--upgrade layer-32".
Unless the package libffi is not added into the multilib by Eric, I will add it into the next compat32pkg.