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Old 10-12-2005, 01:25 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
Posts: 270

Rep: Reputation: 30
Kernel panic - Unable to mount fs

Hi all,

After successfully installing the 2.6.13 kernel from the 10.2 second cd i unpacked kernel-source-2.6.13 .tgz (on the second cd) and got the generic config file and copied it over /usr/src/linux/.config then ran make menuconfig and loaded the .config file (just to be sure it uses that config file which works), then did the modules ("make modules" then "make modules_install"), Then, copied the kernel and to /boot/ ("cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz" then "cp /boot") and added this to lilo.conf:

image = /boot/vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hda1
  label =Slacknew
This is the other section of the lilo.config that worked before changing the kernel:

image = /boot/vmlinuz-generic-2.6.13
  root = /dev/hda1
  label ="Slack2.6.13"
When i reboot and pick the new kernel it starts booting then i get
Unable to mount fs on unknown-block(3.1)
Can someone tell me what i did wrong ?
Old 10-12-2005, 01:34 PM   #2
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Are you using reiserfs? If you do, did you made the initrd image to load reiserfs support? You can read about that in the README.initrd file that's on testing/ where you got the kernel.

And if you wanted to change the kernel a little bit when you did make menuconfig, before make modules && make modules_install you've to make bzImage to generate the new kernel on arch/i386/boot/bzImage

Last edited by gbonvehi; 10-12-2005 at 01:36 PM.
Old 10-12-2005, 03:28 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
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i think i did get initrd to load reiserfs support, doesnt typing "mkinitrd -c -k 2.6.13 -m reiserfs" do that ?

i did "make clean" then "make bzImage" before the module commands, sorry i should have mentioned that.

Could the reason i got the "Unable to mount fs" be because i didnt do anything to the /boot/initrd.gz ? Am i supposed to? I added "initrd=/boot/initrd.gz" line to this section of the lilo.conf:
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hda1
  label =Slacknew
but it still didnt work.
Old 10-12-2005, 04:07 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Aguascalientes, AGS. Mexico.
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I have had this kind of error when the kernel doesn't have the proper driver for the filesystem (as mentioned above) and once when the IDE controller driver of the MOBO wasn't correct.

I have had never installed a precompiled 2.6.x kernel so I can't help you with that, I always compile kernel from source, you can download the current stable version source from and you can use Xushi's guide to do this properly, it was pretty useful to me.

Keep trying, don't give up. It isn't that hard.


Last edited by raska; 10-12-2005 at 04:09 PM.
Old 10-12-2005, 04:38 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
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I just had a thought, the second section of the lilo.conf actually boots fine even though i moved the new bzImage to /boot/, does this mean the new bzImage is ok?
Old 10-12-2005, 04:47 PM   #6
Registered: Apr 2004
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kernel panic

Dont know if this will help. But having failed several times at 2.6.x config I did clean install of 10.2 and chose testing2.6 kernel. Then remembering that install will use 2.4.31 kernel modules,headers and source--as well as its alsa driver, I did 'expert install' unselecting 2.4.31 kernel,source,module,headers and alsa driver. Then once at login prompt as root I inserted cd2 in drive and ran 'mount /mnt/cdrom' then 'cd /mnt/cdrom'> ls and moving to 2.6.13 kernel I installed headers,modules,source and alsa driver. Then 'umount /mnt/cdrom'. Reboot gave me 2.6.13 kernel system.
As described elsewhere this kernel has everything but the kitchen sink. But it is fast and it works. Good luck.
Old 10-12-2005, 05:56 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
Posts: 270

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Sounds similar to what i did, i followed this guide here which gave me the 2.6.13 kernel and it works great, i'd be happy with this kernel except its on a laptop and i'd like the power management stuff, also it doesnt seem to have pentium 4 chosen as the cpu. I tried a few times using the .config in /usr/src/linux which i assumed was the one that 2.6.13 used and just altered the CPU and power management options in menuconfig, but got an error. I then thought hmm maybe the /usr/src/linux/.config file isnt the one that was used by the working 2.6.13 so i unpacked /mnt/cdrom/linux-2.6.13/kernel-source-2.6.13-noarch-1.tgz (10.2 second cd) and found the config file in there, i used this file to overwrite /usr/src/linux/.config, this time (the last attempt) i didnt change anything at all in menuconfig and just compiled the kernel then modules, moved it over to /boot/ and got this error even though i never changed any settings in menuconfig (left the config file from inside /mnt/cdrom/linux-2.6.13/kernel-source-2.6.13-noarch-1.tgz completely alone).
Old 10-12-2005, 06:14 PM   #8
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
Posts: 270

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dont know if this will help but here is my /boot/ dir:
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root     592 2005-10-12 18:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x  19 root root     432 2005-10-12 18:39 ../
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 37 2005-10-12 16:58 README.initrd -> /usr/doc/mkinitrd-1.0.1/README.initrd
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      25 2005-10-12 16:54 ->
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  870274 2005-10-12 18:02
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  607998 2005-01-21 04:24
-rw-r--r--   1 root root     512 2005-10-12 17:22 boot.0300
-rw-r--r--   1 root root     168 2005-10-12 17:22 boot_message.txt
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      21 2005-10-12 16:54 config -> config-generic-2.6.13
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   54250 2005-09-04 05:15 config-generic-2.6.13
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   41731 2005-01-21 04:24 config-ide-2.4.29
-rw-r--r--   1 root root    5032 2004-05-21 08:19 diag1.img
drwxr-xr-x   8 root root     304 2005-10-12 16:59 initrd-tree/
-rw-------   1 root root  411590 2005-10-12 16:59 initrd.gz
-rw-------   1 root root   49664 2005-10-12 18:04 map
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      22 2005-10-12 16:54 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-generic-2.6.13
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1492973 2005-10-12 18:01 vmlinuz-generic-2.6.13
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1253760 2005-01-21 04:24 vmlinuz-ide-2.4.29
and /etc/lilo.conf:
# Start LILO global section
boot = /dev/hda
message = /boot/boot_message.txt
timeout = 150
# Override dangerous defaults that rewrite the partition table:
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x256
vga = 773
# Normal VGA console
# vga = normal
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x64k
# vga=791
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x32k
# vga=790
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x256
# vga=773
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x64k
# vga=788
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x32k
# vga=787
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x256
# vga=771
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x64k
# vga=785
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x32k
# vga=784
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x256
# vga=769
# End LILO global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/vmlinuz
 root = /dev/hda1
 label = Slacktest
# end
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/vmlinuz-generic-2.6.13
  root = /dev/hda1
  label = Slack-2.6.13
# Linux bootable partition config ends
Old 10-12-2005, 11:02 PM   #9
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
Posts: 270

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Rep: Reputation: 30
One last thing im trying is copying kernel-generic-2.6.13-i486-1.tgz off cd 2, extracting it and changing just 2 lines in the config file then making it back into .tgz, i have extracted the file into the directories "boot" and "install" Can someone let me know what the command is to compress these 2 directories back into a file named kernel-generic-2.6.13-i486-1.tgz please?
Old 10-13-2005, 12:57 PM   #10
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Slackware 12
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The idea worked.
Old 10-13-2005, 04:16 PM   #11
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: new york
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good to hear.
Old 12-28-2005, 07:02 AM   #12
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This idea is working fine on my pc too
Old 04-14-2006, 09:00 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by lestoil
Dont know if this will help. But having failed several times at 2.6.x config I did clean install of 10.2 and chose testing2.6 kernel. Then remembering that install will use 2.4.31 kernel modules,headers and source--as well as its alsa driver, I did 'expert install' unselecting 2.4.31 kernel,source,module,headers and alsa driver. Then once at login prompt as root I inserted cd2 in drive and ran 'mount /mnt/cdrom' then 'cd /mnt/cdrom'> ls and moving to 2.6.13 kernel I installed headers,modules,source and alsa driver. Then 'umount /mnt/cdrom'. Reboot gave me 2.6.13 kernel system.
As described elsewhere this kernel has everything but the kitchen sink. But it is fast and it works. Good luck.
not sure if anyone is still watching this thread but i just had to say thanks to lestoil. this worked perfectly!


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