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Old 07-25-2006, 07:04 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Bakersfield, California
Distribution: CentOS 5.3, FreeBSD 7.2, Fedora 11
Posts: 83

Rep: Reputation: 15
Kernel compile problem, video related,

I seem to be having a problem with compiling a new kernel for my new computer. I installed Slackware 10.2 with the sata.i kernel, and downloaded the new kernel source, burnt it to a cd and copied it over (2.4 doesn't seem to support the NIC, so no Internet).

The problem is, that I always end up with just a thin broken line of pixels near the top of the screen and nothing else. The machine does boot fine, I can log in as root and do a "reboot" command and the box restarts. The video is just not working right.

With the sata.i kernel I had the 1024x768x256 frame buffer enabled in lilo, same with the new kernel, I also tried changing it to something different and then no frame buffer to no avail.

Now I've tried compiling many times with different video options and I'm getting nowhere.

My motherboard is an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe and the graphics card is an Asus N6200TC (GeForce 6200 w/Turbo Cache).

Any suggestions? Am I just overlooking something simple? I've compiled kernels successfully before on older hardware with no problems, but this is the first time I've done it on a brand new machine.

Old 07-25-2006, 08:13 PM   #2
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Try booting with vga=normal. So if you recompiled the kernel and named it, say slack-, your lilo boot: prompt will look like this:

slack- vga=normal
If that doesn't work, we need to look into why your vga adaptor isn't getting initialized properly.

-- Shade
Old 07-26-2006, 02:09 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Bakersfield, California
Distribution: CentOS 5.3, FreeBSD 7.2, Fedora 11
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Thanks, just tried that and it worked perfectly.

Any clues on what to do/look for in trying to find out why the video card isn't being initialized?

Old 07-26-2006, 02:11 AM   #4
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 360

Rep: Reputation: 30
Have you selected all the right modules for Video Support like Jyimbo said in the thread above Kernel compile guide for 2.6.0 ?
1.) To prevent the "blank screen" that most new 2.6 kernel users often get on their first build, make sure that the following options are enabled:

# Graphics support
# Console display driver support

# Logo configuration

Note: these settings are not default in 2.6 and often do not carry-over properly from the 2.4.22 config file and must be double-checked!

2.) Kernel panic: this is because Reiserfs (if you use it) is not enabled by default. Make sure it is enabled under "Filesystems".

3.) AGPGART is compiled-in by default. If you plan on using the NVIDIA AGP drivers, then I suggest either selecting AGPGART as a module or unselecting it alltogether.

4.) If you plan on using modules, take note that module unloading is not enabled by default. You won't be able to unload modules (like AGPGART mentioned above) when needed. Select the option under Loadable Modules Support.

5.) Sound: here's where everyone has problems: if you're scared of Alsa, then deselect it and select OSS. I've tried both and I can't tell which sounds better (if at all). All I know is that OSS works with all 4 channels of my SBLive! and that controlling the mixer levels with rexima is simple and hassle-free (no alsamixer settings to have to set and store). It's OK, nobody's gonna hate you for using OSS over Alsa.

6.) Firewall/NAT: if you plan on using an iptables firewall, note that you need to select Network packet filtering and (to make it easy) everything under IP:Netfilter Config (I select them as modules).

7.) IDE-SCSI is no longer necessary with can use /dev/cdrom when using cdrecord or whatever CD-R software you use. I have a Plextor drive, and it works fine WITHOUT SCSI-EMULATION set in the kernel.

8.) Install correctly:

a.) make bzImage && modules && modules_install
b.) cp -v arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6
c.) cp /boot/
d.) rm -rf /boot/
e.) ln -sf /boot/ /boot/
d.) mcedit /etc/lilo.conf
e.) Make an exact copy of the entry for your 2.4.22 kernel just below it, and then change:

image=/boot/vmlinuz ----to---> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6
label=Linux ----to---> label=Linux-2.6

f.) /sbin/lilo

If there are no errors, then you're ready to boot.

Last edited by nykey; 07-26-2006 at 02:15 AM.
Old 07-26-2006, 02:23 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Bakersfield, California
Distribution: CentOS 5.3, FreeBSD 7.2, Fedora 11
Posts: 83

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Rep: Reputation: 15
No, I must have missed that, I'll try it now though.

Thanks again.


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