Originally Posted by bosth
So there are no SQL features in MariaDB that aren't in MySQL? (genuine question, I use PostgreSQL),
There are features in MariaDB that are not in MySQL, but there are no features in MySQL that are not in MariaDB. So when upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB there will no missing features in running applications.
I was skeptical myself at first, but I design, use and support some serious MySQL apps (and PostgreSQL too!), and across multiple machines and large data dumps to/from multiple remote hosts I have not had a single issue.
So as long as you do not use MariaDB-specific features you may freely use it as if it were MySQL without problems.
Obviously, if you begin using the MariaDB-specific features in your application code you will not be able to upload those to MySQL, but you can't accidentally use them. And db dumps are guaranteed compatible.
You will find some good compatibility info here: