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Old 04-22-2003, 05:49 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Distribution: Slackware current
Posts: 133

Rep: Reputation: 15
KDM login screen

After upgrading to KDE 3.1.1 (Slack 9) I noticed something strange in KDM login screen - "left arrow" cursor was replaced by default X "cross" cursor. It works OK, but look strange. And this "default X" cursor remains also after starting XFCE or Fvwm (naturally not KDE or Gnome) from KDM login screen. Why is this? Maybe somebody knows where to change it. It is specifical for KDM only, when using "startx" cursor looks "normal" - left arrow in all window managers.
Old 04-22-2003, 08:38 AM   #2
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I think I have seen the same behavior but in KDE the cursor returns to normal when it starts up. I am not sure on other window managers but I do not recall it staying with Gnome. If I recall it is only when you click on one of the user icons to select. If you type in the name then it will remain normal I think. In KDE control center the kdm login manager can be configured to auto select the last user so you don't even have to type it in. Just enter password and press enter. Perhaps that will allow you a workaround.
Old 04-22-2003, 09:44 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Distribution: Slackware current
Posts: 133

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Of course in KDE cursor looks normal (after login from KDM), because it is changed at the beginning of "startkde" script (with using xsetroot....). So is it necessary to insert similiar line to start scripts of other window managers (xfce and fvwm2 for example)? It wouldn't be easy as these scripts are sometimes rather complex. Easier it would be to change KDM behavior on this subject. But how?
I think it is worth to check GDM, if it behaves the same. I will check it at home.


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