Just deleted /usr/lib/pkgconfig by accident.
I'm retarded. I was trying to delete /lib/pkgconfig and replace it with a symlink since pkg-config is hardcoded to look for /usr/lib/pkgconfig, and accidentally deleted /usr/lib/pkgconfig instead.
I really don't want to reinstall Linux, 'cause it's taken me about 2 months now to get (almost) everything working, and I'm using ext3 so apparently I can't undelete.
Can someone with Slackware 10.2 PLEASE tar the contents of their /usr/lib/pkgconfig and post it here? (I can reinstall my custom libs, but I don't even know what I'm missing from the stock libs) Preferably a reasonably 'new' install (so there aren't a bunch of ghost libs for me), but anything will do at this point.