Thanks again I figured out some of the problems. I was able to find the missing files off of the WRT54G linksys site. For those of you have similiar problems just unzip the tarball and those files are there.
ok I got most of it up and working now I'm having some small issues with the wpa.conf file
I'm using the one that came with wpa and I did copy it to /etc as well. Lets see all I did was set up the 1st network, and I erased the rest.
It looks like this
ssid="My Network's Name"
when I run recommended debug line: wpa_supplicant -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/conf -d
It read the file well and I will cut the last few lines as I am on my pc and don't want to type the whole output.
ENGINE: 'LOAD' '(null)'
ENGINE: ctrl cmd_string failed: LOAD (null) [error:25066067
SO support routines
LFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared libarary]
SSL: Failed to Initialize TLS context.
Failed to initialize EAPOL state machines.
Failed to interface eth1
cancelling scan request
eth1 is my wireless card however I get same error if i used wlan0 as well.
Thanks for the help I can't wait to get this sucker going.