If you are in school to learn network admin, then the best way to learn and be way ahead of your cohort group in terms of experience is to see if you can find an old second hand computer, some RJ45 (I think you need twisted for just 2 machines), install Slackware on both and discover the joys of administrating your very own 2 machine network. Ensure that you have nothing mission critical on them and that they are
not connected to the Net (that way you have sandboxed your network, making it safe from crackers) and just play around.
I have never heard of pre-installed Slack machines: it's hard enough finding any GNU/Linux system pre-installed on a machine actually. So, rescue an old box, ask around at school, ask your parents or family to keep a look out for you for an old machine and crank it up: best learning experience out there!!
Oh yes - plenty of help here and elsewhere to do your own installation.
Good luck